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Weary Herakles bust to be returned by US to Turkey

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Weary Herakles bust to be returned by US to Turkey

Postby Me Ed » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:00 pm

The top half of the Weary Herakles statue, which was bought by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in 1982, is to be returned to its native Turkey.

Interesting article from the impartial BBC which doesn't mention the word "Greek" once.

I'm trying to work out which Turk actually carved this gem out one sunny afternoon in Turkey.
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Re: Weary Herakles bust to be returned by US to Turkey

Postby Cap » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:24 pm

Its almost as hilarious when you read about 'ancient' Anatolian artifacts.
These poofters have a history that doesn't even span 900 years!

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. pillaged and plundered from superior civilizations and empires.
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Re: Weary Herakles bust to be returned by US to Turkey

Postby SKI-preo » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:06 am

superior civilizations and empires

I agree they were responsible for a lot of rape and pillage but the the other civilisations that"superior" if they had their asses kicked so bad?

At the very least the "superior" civilisations had really shit armies.
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Re: Weary Herakles bust to be returned by US to Turkey

Postby LinguaFranca3 » Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:20 am


The article by Geoff Edgers about Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts’ acceding to Turkish demands, titled “MFA sends ‘Weary Herakles’ statue back to Turkey,” appeared in the Sept. 24, 2011 edition of the Boston Globe. Mr. Berge Tatian and Mr. David Boyajian of Massachusetts each sent a letter (please see below) to the Globe in response. The paper published neither letter. Mr. Tatian and Mr. Boyajian have granted permission to publish their letters on,- Editor

The statement by former Turkish cultural minister, Engin Ozgen, on the return of the missing part of the Weary Herakles, that “This will show the world that the Turks are not ignorant anymore, that they will fight for their past and their heritage”, assumes that the rest of the world is ignorant of the true provenance of that statue. It's as if I find a work of art on my property and then go around claiming it as part of my patrimony. The Turk's complaint over looting is pathetic if not laughable when they themselves are guilty of the most egregious crime of looting, that of the properties of the Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians of Asia Minor, after destroying their heritage.

Berge Tatian
Stoneham, MA

So the Museum of Fine Arts is returning an ancient statue of “Weary Herakles” to Turkey (“MFA sends ‘Weary Herakles’ statue back to Turkey,” Sept. 24). Herakles was a Greek god, and the statue is based upon an ancient Greek original. Does anyone believe that Turkey is a credible custodian or legitimate inheritor of ancient – particularly Greek - culture?

Turkey has exterminated the indigenous peoples of Asia Minor – Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians – and tried to erase all traces of their existence, while harassing the few who are left.

Turkey has destroyed, deliberately misidentified, or grossly neglected most of the churches, cultural landmarks, and villages of these ancient peoples, whom Turks conquered after arriving from Central Asia.

Hundreds of such villages have also been assigned Turkish names to erase the fact that these were the lands and homes of people whom Turkey annihilated.

Turkey says that the statue's return is morally right and concerns "culture." But it’s really about tourist money and laying illegitimate claim to heritages that it has, in fact, tried to destroy.

Rather than returning the Herakles statue, the MFA should be shedding light on Turkey’s acts of cultural destruction and genocide.

David Boyajian
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