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The Dog's Tail.

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The Dog's Tail.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:22 pm

There once was a King named Alcinous who kept a large Dog as his constant companion, so fond of the animal was he that he had it's tail sumptuously adorned with diamonds and other precious stones.

Whenever the King ventured out among his subjects, he was always received with great affection and the Dog was dearly loved by all.

One day, the King ordered that the Dog's tail should be cut off, the deed was done and the people were wringing their hands in grief.

"Your Majesty, why have you permitted such a thing to be done ?" enquired one of his Ministers.

"Ah", said the King, "Whilst the people are so busy trying to fathom why the Dog's tail has been severed, I am quite free to impose even more hardships upon them and the fools will never notice !"

Such is the manner in which Politicians deal with the welfare of those who were fool enough to take their eyes off the ball, even for a fleeting moment. :wink:
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Re: The Dog's Tail.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:26 pm

Schnauzer wrote:There once was a King named Alcinous who kept a large Dog as his constant companion, so fond of the animal was he that he had it's tail sumptuously adorned with diamonds and other precious stones.

Whenever the King ventured out among his subjects, he was always received with great affection and the Dog was dearly loved by all.

One day, the King ordered that the Dog's tail should be cut off, the deed was done and the people were wringing their hands in grief.

"Your Majesty, why have you permitted such a thing to be done ?" enquired one of his Ministers.

"Ah", said the King, "Whilst the people are so busy trying to fathom why the Dog's tail has been severed, I am quite free to impose even more hardships upon them and the fools will never notice !"

Such is the manner in which Politicians deal with the welfare of those who were fool enough to take their eyes off the ball, even for a fleeting moment. :wink:

:) :) :)
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Re: The Dog's Tail.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:11 am

Schnauzer wrote:There once was a King named Alcinous who kept a large Dog as his constant companion, so fond of the animal was he that he had it's tail sumptuously adorned with diamonds and other precious stones.

Whenever the King ventured out among his subjects, he was always received with great affection and the Dog was dearly loved by all.

One day, the King ordered that the Dog's tail should be cut off, the deed was done and the people were wringing their hands in grief.

"Your Majesty, why have you permitted such a thing to be done ?" enquired one of his Ministers.

"Ah", said the King, "Whilst the people are so busy trying to fathom why the Dog's tail has been severed, I am quite free to impose even more hardships upon them and the fools will never notice !"

Such is the manner in which Politicians deal with the welfare of those who were fool enough to take their eyes off the ball, even for a fleeting moment. :wink:

From one Dog to another

Is your tail docked or undocked?

See also the Urban Dictionary on the alternative meaning of "Schnauzer tail": ........
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Re: The Dog's Tail.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:06 pm

Were I in fact truly a dog, then I would have to be 'Docked' since I am invariably occupied in dealing with 'Rats' (both metaphorically of course). :wink:
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Re: The Dog's Tail.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:31 pm

Just looked up the 'Urban Dictionary'...................................... :bawling:

And here was I a'kidding myself all these years.......................... :lol:
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