denizaksulu wrote:What a shame! Seems like some people like giving a kick to those who have fallen by the way-side. What future does humanity have. At least the youngsters might see what dabbling with these substances can do. As far as I am concerned, tobacco and alcohol abusers are no better. How many of those can kick the habit once the rot has set in.
RIP Amy.
Unfortunately the 'youngsters' (and some 'oldsters') are quite unable to appreciate the damage that drug addiction may lead to.
That "They 'MIGHT' see what dabbling with these substances can do" is precisely the greatest issue in following, hallowing and emulating the decadent lifestyles of the so called 'Celebrities' who influence them so.
As to 'Kicking those who fall by the wayside', ALL the hand wringing and tears of sorrow can only consolidate support for the evils of drug abuse (not use) and the older generation is failing the younger one by NOT instructing them correctly.
As to myself, in my profession I have uplifted the hopes of many in dire need, Amy Winehouse WAS (in my opinion) a disgraceful representation of what the youth of a nation should be and I make no apology for highlighting my views on the subject.
Sad enough it is that the youth (and others) of our society suffer the cudgelling of their brains on a daily basis (courtesy of our leaders) but pray, let us not be led into the domain of the 'Zombie' by mourning the passing of such a wretch as THIS disreputable being seemingly 'Morphed' into.