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Shipping a van to Cyprus

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Shipping a van to Cyprus

Postby harveyd » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:13 pm

I am planning to ship a Renault Trafic van to Cyprus from the UK. I plan to fill the van with various household items but I'm looking at the most cost effective way to bring here. Does anyone have any experience of this or can recommend any shipping companies that can do this at a reasonable cost?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Shipping a van to Cyprus

Postby johbee » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:52 pm

I used Algy:

Great honest guy. I found a car in the UK, bought it, shipped it to Cyprus, and registered it here. Algy arranged everything at a very reasonable cost. Certainly he can arrange shipping or you could contact many shippers. The sticky bit comes when and if you want to register it.
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Re: Shipping a van to Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:30 pm

Hi harveyd, welcome to CF...

Much depends on whether you are taking up residence in CY, suspect you are, in which case here is the relevant webpage of the Republic for obtaining relief from the hideous import duties on vehicles... ... enDocument

If you ain't taking up residence the hideous rates of import apply... ... enDocument
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Re: Shipping a van to Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:57 pm

welcome to CF

There are a number of people who offer fowarding services from the UK - they do not operate the ships but they will act as your agent and do evertyhing for you: they will assist in getting all the paper work right and it is important to et it right if you want tro get the van out of the port and through customs. You will find life is easier at this end if you employ a suitable customs agent to arrange clearance. I cannot say who is good, who is bad for either, but a UK forwarder may be able to sort out this end too through a local agent.

Otherwise I think the main UK-Cypus service is the Grimaldi: they have a RoRo service for vehicles. It is not a ferry for passengers, or there is a RoRo service from Greece but you have to get the van there first.

Do not ship anything you cannot afford to lose in the van and also get it insured!!!!Theft of effects from unaccompanied vehicals is a known problet. and sea carriers will try to avoid blame. They are normally not legally liable if some docker Robs the van and nicks the stuff before loading on to the ship or after discharge and they will alsousually argue about the contents, so ensure the shipping documentaion lists everthing, incl spare wheel, jack, any van tool-kit as well as the extras you want to ship across.
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Re: Shipping a van to Cyprus

Postby Nikitas » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:35 pm

If you are willing to drive to Greece you can load the van on a RO-RO Salamis lines ship and can travel on it too, driver and one passenger can do so. Alternatively there is a little known service with Louis cruises, they will take passengers on their cruise ships and a few cars.

I have traveled on both the above. The RO-RO is kind of rough, you live like crew for two days and is not for those that expect mod cons, nor is it suitable for those unfit to climb ship stairs. When I used the service there were several couples with private cars on board.

Louis is OK, a sort of down market cruise that stops at a couple of islands on each leg of the journey, mostly for religious tourists.
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