bill cobbett wrote:kurupetos wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Sotos wrote:Do however try proper English Bitter Ale, or Pale Ale, or Light Ale, or Mild Ale, or Brown Ale, or Porter, or Stout.
What about Guinness?

WTF! ....... bleeding rubbish from Ireland is not for us sort of Englishmen.
Have you ever been in Cork or Limerick?

You think am tired of living!!
This reminds me of the Joke about the Irishman who was moving to London: before he left one of his friends recommended he always drank in a "Bass" house.
(Bass was a particular maker of beer)
So he arrived in London and tried three or four pubs: he asked in each one if it was Bass house and if not he left. In the last Pub the answer was yes - he then asked for a pint of Guiness.