It is boring, people are for no reason seem to be angry or just unhappy and finally very cold and it rains a LOT in the summer !!!
So, Figgy is having a hard time relating to the UK ... seems like i lost my social freak self when i left Cyprus and im turning to a loner geek who cant think of ways to break the isolation ice walls surrounding me here.
I made 0 (zero-incase you cant see the figure correctly) friends in a period time of two weeks

AND working as a runner with no salary also is a dream crushed by the reality of ((experiance needed-i wouldnt be working for free if i had the experiance you dumasses)
Oh well, two options... option 1 feel sorry for my self and doubt my reasons and goals which will drag me down to ground zero and become a loser (at least ill be happy right-going back to the stuppid bubble of other people`s world)
option 2 say FUCK to that im un-stoppable and if i had it in me to come that far then i have it in me to never ever give up before i reach and take what i want......................
You probably reading my rant thinking wtf
but you know the famous quote misery needs/loves company and there for any reply would do the job....
pheewww it feels good to address the matters that annoy you i advice you do the same and the general section get renamed the soap section.