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Liife in the UK

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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby MChristoph » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:17 pm

Alright, I guess that happens in any country you go.

Cause you know here in Cyprus if you came just for holidays it's nice but if you stay for long it sucks!
As I was born and raised here I have to say that I hate the place!

Too small, nothing to do, too hot, the gonverment wants our money, no jobs, no social people, no respect, the president wants to kill us, no safety general, the police does whatever the fuck wants, too expensive, too many muslims, not obeying on European standards and laws. I mean Cyprus is getting worse and worse. The economy is awful, plenty of jobless people, education is too god damn expensive and no good, so what's the point living here?

I'd rather be in the UK, USA or even Russia. At least there you have some oppurtinities to live properly and as you want. Big places big chances.

At the end no Cypriot we left from this island. Only tourists and the fucking turkish people............

By the first chance I'm leaving from here!
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby B25 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:25 pm

MChristoph wrote:Alright, I guess that happens in any country you go.

Cause you know here in Cyprus if you came just for holidays it's nice but if you stay for long it sucks!
As I was born and raised here I have to say that I hate the place!

Too small, nothing to do, too hot, the gonverment wants our money, no jobs, no social people, no respect, the president wants to kill us, no safety general, the police does whatever the fuck wants, too expensive, too many muslims, not obeying on European standards and laws. I mean Cyprus is getting worse and worse. The economy is awful, plenty of jobless people, education is too god damn expensive and no good, so what's the point living here?

I'd rather be in the UK, USA or even Russia. At least there you have some oppurtinities to live properly and as you want. Big places big chances.

At the end no Cypriot we left from this island. Only tourists and the fucking turkish people............

By the first chance I'm leaving from here!

Typical Cypriot village mentality.

You get all that and much, much worse in the other countries you mentioned above.

You do not know how fortunate you are to be Cypriot and in Cyprus.

Many Cypriots born in Cyprus who have never been abroad, think that the streets in the UK are paved with gold, all just F idiots.

Tell me when you want to leave I'll drive you to the airport free and give you 50 E head start. Now piss off you ungrateful git!

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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby kurupetos » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:13 pm

Well said B25, although there are no employment opportunities for nuclear scientists in Cyprus. :cry:
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby B25 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:51 pm

kurupetos wrote:Well said B25, although there are no employment opportunities for nuclear scientists in Cyprus. :cry:

All WMD begin in garages, now get to work and shut up! :D :D :D
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby CBBB » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:21 pm

kurupetos wrote:Well said B25, although there are no employment opportunities for nuclear scientists in Cyprus. :cry:


‘Turkey mulling nuclear plant in the north’
By Stefanos Evripidou
Published on July 22, 2011

TURKEY IS considering building a Russian model nuclear plant in the occupied north to meet the electricity needs of the entire island, reported Hurriyet Daily News.

According to the paper, Turkey’s Chamber of Mechanical Engineers said Turkey aims to supply electricity for the whole of Cyprus using one of two plans, either building a nuclear plant on the island or laying underwater cables from Turkey.

Haluk Direskeneli, a board member of the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers and head of its Energy Committee, told Hurriyet: “Russia’s barge-mounted nuclear power plant might be built in northern Cyprus.”

He added that such a facility would generate electricity “not only for the Turkish part, but also the Greek part”.

The paper also quoted a Turkish Cypriot source saying both options were mentioned in a recent master plan on energy.

“Turkey’s government is currently working on an energy master plan for the island,” said Direskeneli, who noted the electricity problems currently facing Greek Cypriots following the Mari naval base blast.

According to Direskeneli, the idea of a nuclear power plant in the north was brought up at a seminar in the British Council’s Ankara office on January 16, 2007, with nearly 30 people in attendance, mainly from academic circles and interested “public and private enterprises”.

On Monday, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Y?ld?z said his ministry had prepared a wide-scale master plan for the island that would meet the energy needs of all of Cyprus by 2023.

Hurriyet notes that Turkey plans to build its first nuclear power station at Akkuyu, in Mersin, under a deal signed last year with the Russian State Nuclear Energy Corporation, or Rosatom. The Turkish government aims to begin construction of three nuclear power plants within five years.

The Cyprus Republic has voiced its concern about plans for the Akkuyu plant, particularly following the nuclear disaster in Japan.

“It would be in their best interest now,” said Direskeneli, adding, “Current electricity supply difficulty might push Greek officials to reconsider joint projects with Turkish Cyprus”. ... h/20110722
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby johbee » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:31 pm

MChristoph wrote:Alright, I guess that happens in any country you go.

Cause you know here in Cyprus if you came just for holidays it's nice but if you stay for long it sucks!
As I was born and raised here I have to say that I hate the place!

Too small, nothing to do, too hot, the gonverment wants our money, no jobs, no social people, no respect, the president wants to kill us, no safety general, the police does whatever the fuck wants, too expensive, too many muslims, not obeying on European standards and laws. I mean Cyprus is getting worse and worse. The economy is awful, plenty of jobless people, education is too god damn expensive and no good, so what's the point living here?

I'd rather be in the UK, USA or even Russia. At least there you have some oppurtinities to live properly and as you want. Big places big chances.

At the end no Cypriot we left from this island. Only tourists and the fucking turkish people............

By the first chance I'm leaving from here!

You took the words out of my mouth. It used to be a safe place, great to raise a family. Not anymore. And now that the TOFF is in control everything seems to get worse by the day. Only reason I'm still here is the wife loves the place.
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby Cap » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:02 pm

I suppose everybody's entitled to their own opinions, but MChristoph's argument was pretty weak. Very weak actually.

'the president wants to kill us'? Wonder what the Soviet president had in mind during Chernobyl
'no jobs'? - yeah but 7,2% unemployment is better than the EU average of 9.3%
'no respect'? For what? law and order? check out the crime stats and compare them to EU and US and especially Russia.

You know what, forget it..
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby MChristoph » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:07 pm

Oh yeah and how do you explain that the young Cypriots, if they had the opportunity (money) to leave from Cyprus they would do it without a doubt, this is not me talking, this is a research that sigmalive did on the TV. And after what happen on July 11, people are disappointed, tired and angry about losing their favorite people because CYPRUS didn't do anything to protect their Cypriots but helping Syria and Turkey........ I mean what the fuck? And now who's going to pay for the electricity? That they cut it 3 times a day for 2 hours to the simple people but in the president's home they leave it open... I’m right because the Cypriot government helps the tourist but they want to take money from the Cypriot people by putting taxes up. Who gets the job these days? The tourists because they are cheaper, whom the government helps the most? The foreign people because they ‘love’ us so much….. If Cyprus was 30 years back I would be so much happier. Cause right now if you parked illegal because there’s no parking you get a ticket, if you kill someone you get arrested but if you’re the government and you put a bomb to your people and kill them you get congratulations! Why these people are not in jail? Why Christofias is still the president? No sympathy? Simply they have no heart. And if that was happening to one of your family member you would understand but foreign people don’t cause why they should care, they live happy here with the government on their side for help. Cyprus should kick out all the foreign fucking people otherwise Cypriots will leave. And that’s a fact!
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby fig head » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:46 pm

ouch.. bit hard... Mate you not the only individual who wanna leave home for so many reasons, wether you are Cypriot who cant find the life style you seek or Arabic cant find a decent life or just for the sake of seeing and exploring the world, It is one of the most important human right is to be able to move freely from a country to another if you like... Im not Cypriot, i love Cyprus , the Cyp govn did fuck all to me, i worked my ass of to get decent job that will pay off, not easy yet i left Cyprus also for my reasons not because i love Cyprus any less ((ill be god dam ungrateful to say Cyprus is the reason why i left))...

it s kind of offensive to be honest the way you address the foreigners as your problems when without the foreigners Cyprus will remail a vellage or a farm place, Cyprus without tourism is not a good image..

people move forward not backward and when an individual have a problem it doesnt mean the whole system is curropt...

shouldnt you be happy you are born with human rights, and that you arent like me or millions of other people who had to work / fight to gain those rights you dont even seem to be aware off.

and after all you want the fucking foreigners to go away.... that is lame excuse ... bwanna blame someone point fingurs to your self and others like you who not able to change their lifes and run away from problems...

that is the real bad thing in Cyprus... excuse my french im a bleeding foreigner
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby MChristoph » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:13 pm

It's the govenments fault, really. I'm just so mad at govenment, sorry that I said these things about foreigners but really I wish we had less muslims or Turkish people so on the streets I would like to see more Cypriots. Really everyone sees their point of view different. Maybe you like our country because of the weather and you think that it's a 'nice' place, but for us Cypriots it ain't! That's my opinion and if you want to exchange countries I would be glad to do it.

By the way yeah B25 give me some money to get the hell out of here so I won't be kill by some stupid explotion. At least I won't be dead next time...
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