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Liife in the UK

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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:52 pm

fig head wrote:
purdey wrote:You need to get yourself up north girl. Friendly people, open spaces and work if you want it.
The vast majority of people who visit the UK make the mistake of thinking London and it shitty suburbs are a true reflection of UK life, in short total bollocks.

Mate i thought London is the place where fings happen, get me brov lol i love the accent me.

I tend to be more confused tho, had a chat wv my mate from back home he is an engineer and he tells me better leave London, as he thinks it isnt the place for serious careers nor setting up a life... we will wait and see i guess ill have to be more organized to know the place then make up my mind

Trust me gori Figgy ... don't go north of Watford! ... or even beyond Potters Bar... cos they'll hitch you to a wagon and make you haul coal in the coal mines.
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:09 am

purdey wrote:You need to get yourself up north girl. Friendly people, open spaces and work if you want it.
The vast majority of people who visit the UK make the mistake of thinking London and it shitty suburbs are a true reflection of UK life, in short total bollocks.

Do you live in Inverness?
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby Cap » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:24 am

seems like i lost my social freak self when i left Cyprus and im turning to a loner geek who cant think of ways to break the isolation ice walls surrounding me here.

Maybe you should've moved just down the road... :D

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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:10 am

bill cobbett wrote:
fig head wrote:
purdey wrote:You need to get yourself up north girl. Friendly people, open spaces and work if you want it.
The vast majority of people who visit the UK make the mistake of thinking London and it shitty suburbs are a true reflection of UK life, in short total bollocks.

Mate i thought London is the place where fings happen, get me brov lol i love the accent me.

I tend to be more confused tho, had a chat wv my mate from back home he is an engineer and he tells me better leave London, as he thinks it isnt the place for serious careers nor setting up a life... we will wait and see i guess ill have to be more organized to know the place then make up my mind

Trust me gori Figgy ... don't go north of Watford! ... or even beyond Potters Bar... cos they'll hitch you to a wagon and make you haul coal in the coal mines.

As a Londoner born and bred I must say I spent many very happy years living North of Watford - 20 of them in Sunderland: Don't knock the North, it is a great place. Nearby Newcastle had a massive reputation for Nightlife.

Any way the Coal mines have nearly all gone along with the Ship yards, most of the steel works, etc.,
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby Nikitas » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:52 am

Fourteen years in London and I never saw the inside of any English neighbor's home. The few local friends I made got drunk (or stoned) to the point of incoherence when going out, so conversation was out. People seemed to be pretty ready to resort to fists at the slightest provocation.

I moved to Greece in 1976, and still have not seen a Greek person drunk on the street. It is impossible to travel anywhere in the country and not be engaged in conversation by fellow travelers or even casual passers by.

They say that a lot can be surmised for a society by its architecture. Notice how every single house in the UK is a copy of the one next door. If external architecture is a gift to passers by, since they and not the owners, enjoy it, you can extract whatever conclusion you want about the mindset that makes all houses in a street identically dull.

Get out of there. London may not be England, and the UK is not the world.
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:31 pm

I know you hate the Turks Emma, but you could have tried Bodrum/Halikarnassos. The home of Herodotus. ... lence.aspx
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby fig head » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:42 pm

Deniz im shocked to read you think i hate the Turks !!!

my grandad from my mom side is 100% Turk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never been there and know few little words i cought of him before he pass away when i was 5

i cant hate any one when im a mix of 3 countries ,, doesnt make sense
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby Cap » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:52 pm

Hey Figgy. You Emma Ruby on FaceBook?
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:13 pm

fig head wrote:Deniz im shocked to read you think i hate the Turks !!!

my grandad from my mom side is 100% Turk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never been there and know few little words i cought of him before he pass away when i was 5

i cant hate any one when im a mix of 3 countries ,, doesnt make sense

You once said words to that effect, perhaps İ was mistaken. You could be referring to the invasion. Dont worry, no one blames such sentiments.
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Re: Liife in the UK

Postby fig head » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:07 pm

I defo didnt mean what you think i did, i probably was talking about the Turk invasion on Egypt in one of the topics and who doesnt hate invadors ... but again im open minded enough to understand epople do not represent governements, like I hate Israel but i dont hate the jews.. Israel is an invader , jews are just normal poeple that happen to have different believes........
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