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Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:17 pm

Where are you Kikapu, that middle finger reappears.
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Mapko » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:52 pm

People need to realise that concessions will be made to the Turks - especially now - because of one over-riding factor: the USA is in deep, deep debt. The USA gives hundreds, if not thousands, of millions of dollars every year in aid to the Turks so they are kept on side, they don't become a pure Muslim state and side with other Muslim countries over the West and the USA can keep bases in Turkey and North Cyprus. This was one of the provisos that the USA let Turkey invade Cyprus - that bases be made available to them, something the great Makarios refused. The USA is in so much debt that it now needs to reign in its spending and its doing everything it can to rid itself of spending it doesn't need. This will soon fall on the shoulders of EU if the USA has anything to go by. Its major ally, the UK, is all for letting Turkey into the EU to alleviate this. The only countries to realise what's happening are Germany and France who don't want Turkey into the EU - this, I suspect, is also heightened by the fact that the Turks have a high presence in these countries and they know what dirty burdens they are. Don't think this has anything to do with how they want equality for Cyprus and the Greek Cypriot people - if this was the case, there'd be actions against the UK for still being in Northern Ireland. Turkey is in a whole league of debt and you think Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy have problems! Expect a few nations' leaders to be having uneasy times sleeping if this c*nt keeps true to his word about pulling out of EU talks.
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Hermes » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:56 pm

Sotos wrote:The negotiations were doomed anyway. A big thank you to Erdogan for making it easier for us to point out who is to blame for the failure of the talks.

Exactly. If Turkey was hoping to collapse the talks and try to blame G/C intransigence, it looks like Erdogan has unwittingly blown a hole in this strategy. I can only assume that Turkey's diplomats are holding their heads in their hands at Erdogan's remarks. He's just made it easy for Christofias to make the case that Turkey doesn't want a solution. And Turkey will find it impossible to pursue their "plan B" of recognition for the pseudo-state if it's apparent that Turkey is the intransigent party. I can't see that the EU will be too impressed either. So much for "crafty Erdogan"...
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:00 pm

A few days ago we had Eroglu's assurance that the talks will be over by October, and I wonder how the hell could he ever be so sure.
Well, after reading the speech of his puppeteer, I don't wonder anymore.
At first I thought Erdogan made that speech while he was heavily drank, but then thought no, impossible he is a fanatic Muslim, he never drinks.

Sooo, it all sums up to the fact that Turkey wants either an agreement based on partition along more or less the existing dividing line, or just be left alone to proceed to her plan to first eradicate the Kibrislis, replace them with multiple times as many settlers, and then make it impossible for any other settlement other than partition again.
And all these coming from a Guarantor power who supposedly invaded to re-establish the constitutional order of Cyprus LOL.

I would say let Turkey proceed as she wishes.Let's see how powerful and arrogant she will be as soon as she received the first slap from the UN, second slap from the Americans themselves, third slap from the EU forth from the RoC freeezing her EU dreams.Some people just don't know any other way of understanding :wink:
Everybody has spent a lot of time trying to convince Turkey logically. Let's spend some more time playing in their own paranoia field.
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:25 pm

Mapko wrote:People need to realise that concessions will be made to the Turks - especially now - because of one over-riding factor: the USA is in deep, deep debt. The USA gives hundreds, if not thousands, of millions of dollars every year in aid to the Turks so they are kept on side, they don't become a pure Muslim state and side with other Muslim countries over the West and the USA can keep bases in Turkey and North Cyprus. This was one of the provisos that the USA let Turkey invade Cyprus - that bases be made available to them, something the great Makarios refused. The USA is in so much debt that it now needs to reign in its spending and its doing everything it can to rid itself of spending it doesn't need. This will soon fall on the shoulders of EU if the USA has anything to go by. Its major ally, the UK, is all for letting Turkey into the EU to alleviate this. The only countries to realise what's happening are Germany and France who don't want Turkey into the EU - this, I suspect, is also heightened by the fact that the Turks have a high presence in these countries and they know what dirty burdens they are. Don't think this has anything to do with how they want equality for Cyprus and the Greek Cypriot people - if this was the case, there'd be actions against the UK for still being in Northern Ireland. Turkey is in a whole league of debt and you think Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy have problems! Expect a few nations' leaders to be having uneasy times sleeping if this c*nt keeps true to his word about pulling out of EU talks.

I completely agree with you my friend in this dept web that you described.
However I have serious doubts whether what the US and the EU wanted from Turkey in the PAST, Is the same as what they want from her TODAY, or in the FUTURE. Imo the USA got into this huge dept in undertaking the role of the International Policeman to secure cheap oil for the Industrial world, and well as from the fear from the ex Soviet Union.
Things today are totally different, the International policeman role seems to be coming to an end due to costs or at least getting reduced to the minimum.
In this respect I beleive the only thing the USA wants from Turkey is just to pay her dept to them. Turkey already proved she cannot do that without entering the EU. Now Turkey is getting prepared to shut the door to the EU too through Cyprus!! So what's left for the Americans to get their money back?Obviously to split Turkey, set their puppets on, and start milking! Inshallah! :mrgreen:

NB. I trust the Americans are very good in getting their money back. The RoC has already giver plot #12 of her oil resources to one of THEIR companies :wink:
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby paaul12 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:32 pm

What a great speech, a classic, at last a man who is prepared to stand up and say how it is, roll on 2012 the clock is ticking tic tock, tick tock, :D :D :D

As an aside, have to say I was watching the Turkish All Stars doing their practice today, aren’t they magnificent, well done looking forward to tomorrows display :D
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:36 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Where are you Kikapu, that middle finger reappears.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What did I tell you couple of days ago. Was I right or was I right for Turkey being her own worst enemy for screw-ups. Oh, and by the way, is there any doubt who is in control of the north anymore.? That's right, not the TCs, but Turkey. Now you watch the real battle begin between the TCs and Turkey over the control of the north while the RoC shows Turkey who is the boss in the EU when it comes to Turkey's EU Dreams/Nightmares.

Kikapu wrote:No one said Turkey is not her worse enemy when it comes to International diplomacy screw-ups. She can most definitely make things worse for herself by meddling with Verosha. She thinks that is a sign of strength, but in reality, is a sign of self destruction. Let her do her worse, because it will only end up hurting her, the Turkish people, and the TCs.

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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Mapko » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:42 pm

Pyrpolizer...Yes, the USA has got itself into this mess but if you notice it uses every other countries resources first whilst not touching its own! It has vast quantities of oil, yet starts wars so it can use other countries' oil up; Coca Cola uses up the water supplies of other countries - it has a water extraction plant in Turkey - and it won't be long before Turkey has no water left of its own (enjoy a Coke and a smile :D ). Which is why I don't think it will cut back on its 'world police' activities - it can't afford to. I think you're right in the fact that how the USA views the uses of Turkey has differed, but only because I think Obama is less of a Turcophile than his predecessors. The problem is when Obama leaves office and someone more along the lines of Bush comes in.
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby Mapko » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:43 pm

paaul12...You are a c*ck!
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Re: Erdogan Effectively Ends Talks

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:43 pm

This Erdotnuc gets better and better... he is now saying that there is no state called Cyprus.

The blustery fool is also wasting his time trying to tell the Euro Union how they should run the presidency system.

Oh and... Erroglu only managed to ship in 2000 settlers to welcome his master to Tymbou earlier today.

Erdogan will be pissed with him.

This is what the Psycho Parasite Erdogan had to say...

"There is no such state as Cyprus. There is southern Cyprus and there is the" Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus," he told a crowd of around 2,000 people waving Turkish and Turkish Cypriot flags at the airport.
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