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electric authority of cyprus...

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electric authority of cyprus...

Postby strange » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:52 pm

7 days passed.......still serious problem with electricity. i might understand it will take lot of time to restore everything, but....but......
recent history, in other countries (fukushima), teached how fast it is possible to solve serious problems.
the authority, here, is till not able to give a timetable of the cut-off.....It result almost impossible to work, to program daily routine.
moreover, theyr website its always old updated in english version, as if, here in cyprus, there are no foreignerers.....
They ask to not use air conditioner, but in touristic area, everything is permitted.
What its extremely funny is that, in theyr offices, air conditioning its perfectly working.....normal people who pays bills, is without electricity....the autority advise to save electricity, but...but....they do not care...
Is this the way it works here in cyprus????
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby CBBB » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:41 pm

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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:42 pm

strange, expect it to take many months to return to normal - probably about the length of time it takes to construct a power station as in effect that may be what is needed....we only had three power stations - Japan has very many more so the loss of Fukushima was not so critical to the electrical supply, but obviously very critical in terms of radiation.

There too Government Incompetance seemingly played a part.
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:42 pm

CBBB wrote:Yes.

:D :D :D :D
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby kurupetos » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:46 pm

The situation should improve in September, when the tourist period is over. :D
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby larnacaman » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:25 am

Depending on what has been totally destroyed, this problem could well go on for more than just 6 months. This will be the case if were talking about the main transformers at the power station. They can sometimes have a several years lead/built time.

If you need an example of that, just look at what happened in the Middle East war when allied forces took out Saddams power stations!! ...None of them are yet back to providing uninterrupted power supplies, how many years ago was that?? And it's not by any lack of money being available. There are relatively few manufacturers of the larger sized transformers, and all will have there order books Full..... So be prepared for a long period of power cuts, if those power transformers were destroyed in the blast!!!
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby blaise pascal » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:36 am

Has or will the price charged to consumers for electricity increased?
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby Milo » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:18 am

Probably prices will rise but energy services are rising all over the world.

Can I just remind those that are getting angry with power cuts etc, making things difficult to work or anything for that matter. This was NOT the fault of the EAC at all, their response considering the damage and the HUGE headache they have to sort it all out has been astounding they need praise and possibly the odd handshake when you pop in to pay your bills.

They had nothing to do with what happened, they unfortunately will be dealing with a lot of the aftermath.

If you are angry, join the protests outside the presidential palace.
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby strange » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:08 am

i realize uve missed the focus point...
The authority ask to not use air conditioning, wich i should agre are ...the problem theyr office they DO use air conditioning during all the working hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They want us to die, but in the same time, they're keeping theyr important brains cooled....
Some more....instead of cut off electricity, there is a very easy solution (of course, for who has at least a couple of nehurons in his brain...)...simply reduce the KW delivered of a certain percentage...In this way, we will be able to use the essential electric stuffs, to work, to produce money for ourselves, and also for this country, without having surprising cut off in the meanwhile of our jobs.
But i know....this is too hard, too difficult to understand for such kind of people....
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Re: electric authority of cyprus...

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:20 pm

It was frustrating this morning to be without power and watching 42 wind turbines standing idle across the valley from me.

I can't help but think that if the money that has been wasted on these pointless turbines had been invested in 'conventional' electricity generation we'd all be a lot better off now. :evil:
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