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The Cypriot "Men"

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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby bizzybabe » Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:49 am

i can totally sympathise with this lady. I cannot walk the streets of larnaca without this happening. And yes its all from Cypriots and not from taxi drivers.

They will pounce on you in the street to try to pick you up. Pestering at length! I've even had two of them on separate occasions follow me the length of larnaca seafront trying to get me to to sleep with them!

On facebook i constantly get Cypriot men ( especially married ones, you know the ones that post pictures of themselves with their wife and young children) asking me for sex and dates. A typical response when i point out that they are married is "lol!"

There was an article in the Cyprus mail a while back. By a American Chinese business woman who had come here to work and now didn't walk the streets because every time she did, she got Cypriot men asking her for sex and asking how much she would charge. This is a business woman BTW who could not do business if she were dressed as a slut. She now takes taxis everywhere she goes, even if its just the next street.

I don't dress as a slut either and i'm sure the poster doesn't.
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Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:18 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
smultring wrote:Hello everyone.

I have a complaint.

I moved to Cyprus recently, and I had a massive culture shock after I found out all the men here are are acting like horny goats. I am used to men behaving, not making animal sounds after you when you are walking to or from work or honking their horns at you. It seems like the men of this country belongs in a barn rather than loose on the streets. I understand that some guys might hit on you at clubs etc when they are foolish and drunk. but this happens every single time I try to walk peacefully to work in the morning.Why do you do this to me? WHY? I know that it might be a huge shock for you that some people are born blond, but I don't give a shit. Please leave me alone. You are all a disgrace for this country, and you stopping people from wanting to live here and improve your country. I am not the only one with these views.

The men honking their horns at you may well be taxi drivers - they used to do that even to me and no-way could I be described as a blonde dressed like a slut of any sort, especially a cheap one!

However iSotos - Just be happy he he only described you as a cheap slut - from him when applied to a Xenos that is almost a compliment! IMHO he is a xenophobe who demonstrates a predeliction for racist generalisations about foreigners, when (with some degree of validity) he objects to them in others, for example considering most in Cyprus are low class and/or "Chavs": that might be true for the average Brit spending his holiday in Agia Napa but not for the long term resident foreigners I know.

The racist generalizations are coming from the original poster of this thread who claimed that "all the men here are are acting like horny goats". I corrected her by saying that there are men here that act like that by it is far from being "all". In the other thread what I said was "Cyprus has a lot of foreigners and some of them are uneducated chavs and rednecks". I didn't say "all of them are chavs" and I didn't even say "most of them are chavs". I said "some of them" which is again the truth. So it is seems you have no problem with racist generalizations if those are directed against Cypriots (something that makes you a racist) but you have a problem when the truth is told!
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Cap » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:37 am

Its the British superiority complex at work.

If we're not all alcohol abusing, tattoo covered, knife carrying, pub crawling, sandal socked, speech impaired 't' omitting whiners, then... we're all perverts.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:46 am

JohnnyBravo wrote:Had this problem when I was on holiday in Cyprus with my girlfriend..she could not walk alone on the streets without having lots of guys whistling and making noises.. It bothered her a lot. She is a hot blonde, but still..people should be able to control themselves.. And she does not dress like a "slut", not that that should matter at all .. I have never made any sounds or whistled after women I don't know, regardless of how they dress or behave.. It's just not normal behavior.. Of course all men in Cyprus are not doing this, but enough of them to make it a problem for foreign women who live there or go there on holiday.. We have travelled a lot together all over the world, and never experienced anything like this..

In what area was this and what times? There are idiots that act like that... most of them are the Cypriot equivalent of British chavs and then there are a lot of Pontians that also do this (not a generalization, just an observation). But the degree of how often this happens to a girl doesn't depend only on how good looking she is but also on how she dresses. A very average looking girl dressed like a slut will get a lot more attention from these idiots than a good looking girl dressed more conservatively. I have a very good looking Russian friend and this used to happen to her often ... but not so often as to think that all men in Cyprus are like that!! ... now when she is out in the street she dresses more conservatively and such things happen to her relatively rarely.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Sotos » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:51 am

Cap wrote:Its the British superiority complex at work.

If we're not all alcohol abusing, tattoo covered, knife carrying, pub crawling, sandal socked, speech impaired 't' omitting whiners, then... we're all perverts.

I agree with you Cap. Every country has its idiots... they just exhibit their idiocy in a different way! You get so used to the idiots of your own country and you stop noticing them as much.. but when you go to another country that its idiots are acting differently you notice it right away and you think of it as a huge problem.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Cap » Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:19 am

Sotos wrote:
Cap wrote:Its the British superiority complex at work.

If we're not all alcohol abusing, tattoo covered, knife carrying, pub crawling, sandal socked, speech impaired 't' omitting whiners, then... we're all perverts.

I agree with you Cap. Every country has its idiots... they just exhibit their idiocy in a different way! You get so used to the idiots of your own country and you stop noticing them as much.. but when you go to another country that its idiots are acting differently you notice it right away and you think of it as a huge problem.

Yes, they assume any 'local' looking person to be Cypriot.
They'd be surprised if you told them a good percentage of these so called harassers are actually Pontian (Georgians), like we've had many times in Kato Paphos in the past. Groups of Pontians were harassing tourists, especially the ladies.
Trouble makers in many instances were Arab too. (syrians, lebs)
And without a doubt Cypriots too.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Mikiko » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:19 am

Would you be happy also If you walked the streets and get no attention ? Tell us honestly because women dont like this either.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Mar1a » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:45 am

I hate those assholes that do this :( But it seems some girls like this attention and are trying to attract guys like that.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:45 am

Maybe you should try more civilised places, like Nicosia. :wink:
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Hermes » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:28 pm

smultring wrote:I moved to Cyprus recently, and I had a massive culture shock after I found out all the men here are are acting like horny goats.

Joking aside, I don't want to underestimate how unpleasant unwanted attention of this sort can be. It's nothing but harassment. But you should be more careful when tarring all Cypriot men with the same brush.

Similarly, when passing through some parts of the island I often notice young English men and women in a state of permanent drunken yobbishness. But I don't go onto a public forum and claim that all English men and women are stupid boorish drunken louts. I know that there are exceptions to this rule. I've met some English people who are actually quite pleasant!

So try to keep an open mind. And remember that not all Cypriot men hang around the tourist resorts trying to pick up girls. Some actually have other things to do.
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