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The Cypriot "Men"

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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby JohnnyBravo » Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:38 pm

Had this problem when I was on holiday in Cyprus with my girlfriend..she could not walk alone on the streets without having lots of guys whistling and making noises.. It bothered her a lot. She is a hot blonde, but still..people should be able to control themselves.. And she does not dress like a "slut", not that that should matter at all .. I have never made any sounds or whistled after women I don't know, regardless of how they dress or behave.. It's just not normal behavior.. Of course all men in Cyprus are not doing this, but enough of them to make it a problem for foreign women who live there or go there on holiday.. We have travelled a lot together all over the world, and never experienced anything like this..
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby kurupetos » Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:31 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
antifon wrote:I suggest we all go back and dedicate ourselves to convincing Viewpoint to either accept the 1963 points or move to Anatolia.
Our chances in the current debate are slim!

Have you been drinking AF???

Probably keanita.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby antifon » Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:34 pm

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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Hermes » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:08 am

smultring wrote:Hello everyone.

I have a complaint.

I moved to Cyprus recently, and I had a massive culture shock after I found out all the men here are are acting like horny goats. I am used to men behaving, not making animal sounds after you when you are walking to or from work or honking their horns at you. It seems like the men of this country belongs in a barn rather than loose on the streets. I understand that some guys might hit on you at clubs etc when they are foolish and drunk. but this happens every single time I try to walk peacefully to work in the morning.Why do you do this to me? WHY? I know that it might be a huge shock for you that some people are born blond, but I don't give a shit. Please leave me alone. You are all a disgrace for this country, and you stopping people from wanting to live here and improve your country. I am not the only one with these views.

Hello, smultring. I'd like to assure you that not all Cypriot men are horny goats with only one thing on their mind.

By the way you sound like a nice girl. What are you doing tomorrow night?
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:09 am

antifon wrote:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:14 am

The bint is having you all worked up. I bet in reality she is not getting any attention. Does that make her an attention seeker? :D
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:28 am

denizaksulu wrote:The bint is having you all worked up. I bet in reality she is not getting any attention. Does that make her an attention seeker? :D

Rainy day. The weekend will be worse. :D
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:38 am

smultring wrote:Hello everyone.

I have a complaint.

I moved to Cyprus recently, and I had a massive culture shock after I found out all the men here are are acting like horny goats. I am used to men behaving, not making animal sounds after you when you are walking to or from work or honking their horns at you. It seems like the men of this country belongs in a barn rather than loose on the streets. I understand that some guys might hit on you at clubs etc when they are foolish and drunk. but this happens every single time I try to walk peacefully to work in the morning.Why do you do this to me? WHY? I know that it might be a huge shock for you that some people are born blond, but I don't give a shit. Please leave me alone. You are all a disgrace for this country, and you stopping people from wanting to live here and improve your country. I am not the only one with these views.

The men honking their horns at you may well be taxi drivers - they used to do that even to me and no-way could I be described as a blonde dressed like a slut of any sort, especially a cheap one!

However iSotos - Just be happy he he only described you as a cheap slut - from him when applied to a Xenos that is almost a compliment! IMHO he is a xenophobe who demonstrates a predeliction for racist generalisations about foreigners, when (with some degree of validity) he objects to them in others, for example considering most in Cyprus are low class and/or "Chavs": that might be true for the average Brit spending his holiday in Agia Napa but not for the long term resident foreigners I know.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby Svetlana » Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:46 am

I think the OP should realise that every nation has its own 'culture' and how things happen. She should not assume that all the 'honkers' are Cypriot; there are many foreigner workers here (young guys) and equally it could be them. I know it is not very pleasant and you should be able to walk around without this but at least the rate of sexual crime here is much lower than most countries. To suggest you were dressed like a slut is not acceptable and I trust we will have no more similar vremarks.
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Re: The Cypriot "Men"

Postby CBBB » Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:48 am

Svetlana wrote:To suggest you were dressed like a slut is not acceptable and I trust we will have no more similar remarks.

Have you seen the way BillC dresses?????
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