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New video from Cyprus Naval Base at the time of explosion

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Re: New video from Cyprus Naval Base at the time of explosio

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:49 am

Mikiko wrote:It is like as the place was hit by a rocket . It was prepared in Iran to target Israel but in the end it hit Cyprus!

You can 'thank' Christofiasco for that. :evil:
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Re: New video from Cyprus Naval Base at the time of explosio

Postby Mikiko » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:54 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Mikiko wrote:It is like as the place was hit by a rocket . It was prepared in Iran to target Israel but in the end it hit Cyprus!

You can 'thank' Christofiasco for that. :evil:

No you can thank god we are alive because If the ex MDefence placed this bomb in residential area (as he was assuring the content was safe ) we would all be posting to the Cyprus Forum from the sky ! :)
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Re: New video from Cyprus Naval Base at the time of explosio

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:13 pm

I actually saw the ‘main’ explosion, albeit from 50km away and it was truly massive , as the fireball was 2-3 times the diameter of the rising sun. It was so far away that the shock wave (bang) did not reach me. So, for the fireball to be that big, at that distance is truly frightening. The fireball was followed by what can only be described as a 'Nuclear plume' , a straight vertical column of black smoke topped with a 'mushroom' cloud.

But when I looked at this video, one thing struck me as rather odd. The explosion that I saw was at about 0545 hrs and it was light. The sun was just below the horizon but it was, to all intents full daylight. The video was taken in the dark, that means these explosions could have been happening on a relatively limited scale for sometime before the main explosion?
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Re: New video from Cyprus Naval Base at the time of explosio

Postby Mikiko » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:30 pm

a 'Nuclear plume' , a straight vertical column of black smoke topped with a 'mushroom' cloud.

This has reminded me hiroshima bomb in the photo below :
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Re: New video from Cyprus Naval Base at the time of explosio

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:51 pm


It looked just like that but not quit so dense.

Apparently this shape is caused by the fireball rising and sucking in the air underneath. For anything to burn, it needs air so, I suppose once the powder had been ignited it acted just like a nuclear explosion. Hot gases rise, suck air in underneath and, when the fuel is consumed the fireball goes out and all you have left is the smoke.

The cloud soon disipated, so there was no fire at the site. The two tanks that were destroyed in the power station tank farm, must have been almost empty as there is no sign of oil on the ground around them in the satellite photos of the site after the event. Had they been full they would no doubt have caught fire and there would have been a very dense black smoke column.
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