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Media coverage or blinding

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Media coverage or blinding

Postby fig head » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:19 pm

There is no news about Cyprus on the news, bbc, cnn and other international news channels !! all the news we can get here are the ones submitted localy in Cyprus or in Cypriot forums and online news websites such as Cyprus-mail... as if what happen in Cyprus is something not worth covering !!!

Is it the government trying to save tourism by blining the world... if so are we still in the dark ages ?

if that happened in a 3rd world country would be understandble but wether the news are good or bad it remains news and news should be published.

Everyone in there rite mind is sad about the tragedy but should it go unnoticed !!! should it be covered and hiden til people forget or just learn to get on with it or should it be on the clear til the sitiuation is resolved?.

Please dont give me cr*ap about im not Cypriot therefor my opinion doesnt matter, if you can say your opinion freely about any other country i too can express my opinion.
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Re: Media coverage or blinding

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:23 pm

Look Figgy, face it... you're a blooming foreigner, like me.

As for CY news... nothing better, more comprehensive for all things CY, than CF is there?

PS. ... don't forget... you can get RIKsat on the web.
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Re: Media coverage or blinding

Postby fig head » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:31 am

I guess you are rite Bill , Still i said what i said above just because i love Cyprus as you do and many others who are not Cypriots...
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Re: Media coverage or blinding

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:55 am

fig head wrote:I guess you are rite Bill , Still i said what i said above just because i love Cyprus as you do and many others who are not Cypriots...

WTF!!! HDY!!! Don't love CY! .... Don't love anything or any place or anyone. Love is a loada pollocks.

World would be a better place without rubbish, crappy, nonsence love... and a much better place if we were all foreigners or Londoners.

Now where are my pills?
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Re: Media coverage or blinding

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:40 am

fig head wrote:There is no news about Cyprus on the news, bbc, cnn and other international news channels !! all the news we can get here are the ones submitted localy in Cyprus or in Cypriot forums and online news websites such as Cyprus-mail... as if what happen in Cyprus is something not worth covering !!!

Is it the government trying to save tourism by blining the world... if so are we still in the dark ages ?

if that happened in a 3rd world country would be understandble but wether the news are good or bad it remains news and news should be published.

Everyone in there rite mind is sad about the tragedy but should it go unnoticed !!! should it be covered and hiden til people forget or just learn to get on with it or should it be on the clear til the sitiuation is resolved?.

Please dont give me cr*ap about im not Cypriot therefor my opinion doesnt matter, if you can say your opinion freely about any other country i too can express my opinion.

Euronews had a one minute item on the day.

After that? Zilch!

However the biggest news item on Euronews was the Volga boat tragedy,

In Britain it is the shenanigans of the News of the World that occupy far too much news time.
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Re: Media coverage or blinding

Postby Sotos » Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:01 am

What happened in Cyprus is big for Cyprus but not so big on an international scale. Just the day after 10 times more people were killed in Russia... including many children! This is big news for Cyprus because of the political responsibility in this blunder which the opposition will make sure it is not forgotten so it will have political gains. But for the rest of world ... it was headlines for a day and thats as much coverage as it will get ... what happened in Cyprus is not as a huge tragedy as what happened in Japan or Haiti ... I really wouldn't expect international media to give much more attention in this story. But maybe they could make a movie out of it ... it would be an interesting scenario .. especially if you add some conspiracy theories :shock:
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Re: Media coverage or blinding

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:48 am

Sotos, I have to agree with you on that one.

Generally nearby/bigger events will soon swamp over-seas issues.
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Re: Media coverage or blinding

Postby juliesewell » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:05 pm

The Cyprus explosion has definitely been covered outside of Cyprus.

I've personally seen it on Reuters website (that's where I got the first lot of info from) and the Daily Telegraph plus internet coverage on a Polish news site.
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