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Your place is Nicosia, not usurped Lefkosa

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Your place is Nicosia, not usurped Lefkosa

Postby antifon » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:05 pm

“What do you mean by holding meetings in Diyarbakır? You should first decide on your address. You keep saying that you were exposed to otherification. You did this to yourself. Only the city council can convene in Diyarbakır. Your place is Ankara. A parliamentary group meeting is held in Ankara not in Diyarbakır,” Erdoğan said on July 12 2011.

“What do you mean by holding meetings in usurped Lefkosa? You should first decide on your address. You keep saying that you were exposed to otherification. You did this to yourself. Not even the city council can convene in usurped Lefkosa. Your place is Nicosia proper. A parliamentary group meeting is held in Nicosia not in usurped Lefkosa” Christofias said.
“This Parliament would keep working without the BDP just as well. I had said that when the [Republican People's Party] CHP also refused to take the parliamentary oath. The problems of my Kurdish brothers can also be solved without the BDP. But we expect their contribution to our national unity and brotherhood project [launched to address the Kurdish issue]. We expect them to participate in works for a new constitution and to convey their opinions. But the BDP should not hope that their all proposals will be accepted,” Erdoğan said.

“This Parliament will keep working without the tCypriots just as well. ... The problems of my tCypriot brothers can also be solved without them. But we expect their contribution to our national unity and brotherhood project. We expect them to participate in works for a new constitution and to convey their opinions. But the tCypriots should not hope that their all proposals will be accepted,” Christofias said.

Your place is Ankara not Diyarbakır, PM Erdoğan tells pro-Kurdish party 12 July 2011, Tuesday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM, ... party.html
Do you all see what I see yet?

This is the ONLY way you and I can make a difference, without meddling in either the political process or the UN administered talks. To highlight Turkish grand hypocrisy in approaching majority-minority relations within unitary states where she has decisive influence. The only way we can use Turkish arguments for the need of logic and reason in Cyprus.

Can we make this paradigm shift?
In my view it is possible for all, tCs, gCs, left, right and center, to make it happen and expose Turkey.

Read me here:
SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2011 - A four-party conference to break the stalemate ... break.html

MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2011 - The sheer beauty of the four-party conference! ... rence.html

FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2011 - tCypriot revolution or a cool head needed instead? ... eeded.html
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Re: Your place is Nicosia, not usurped Lefkosa

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:20 pm

The prime minister announced that ‘It is no problem if the opposition parties choose not to come to the Parliament’. In fact, even before him, a professor of Constitutional Law stated that, “the Republican People Party, or CHP, and the Peace and Democracy Party, or BDP, knew that there would be a problem from the beginning, they led Turkey into crises. The Parliament may work without them. They will not have right to complain if Justice and Development, or AKP, and Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, alone make the new Constitution” ... 2011-07-04
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Re: Your place is Nicosia, not usurped Lefkosa

Postby antifon » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:29 pm

Exactly Kikapu.

Either these Turks are complete and utter idiots or they assume we are. I have a sneaky suspicion it's the latter.
What can we do?
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