Sotos wrote:Paphitis wrote:Sotos wrote:Another thing to note is that the ammunition was destined for Syria to help the fight against ISIS. But the Americans didn't want that to happen, because at that time they were busy supporting the Islamist terrorists to overthrow the secular Assad government!
It wasn't going to help the fight against ISIS.
The Assad Regime hardly ever fought ISIS, thus sparking speculation that Assad wanted ISIS to flourish in order to bolster support for his regime as the "lesser of 2 evils". ISIS was also fighting other anti Assad Insurgent Groups like the FSA so Assad probably thought they were useful.
The weapons would have been used to fight Sunni Insurgents like FSA (mostly Syrian Army defectors) and to repress Sunni People in areas such as Ghouta and Aleppo. In other words, it would provide the conditions for the rise of many anti Assad groups.
Plus, if Cyprus let the weapons get into the hands of Assad, your Government would be in very deep shit! Can you imagine letting these weapons through to kill Sunni Syrians?
Turkey would have a field day, and it would be very difficult for Cyprus.
Christofias was thinking about it, and don't think the West is stupid not to know it!
But Christofias is not a very bright person to say the least. The guy was a clear dumb arse, and during his Presidency even invited Assad on a State visit. Couldn't get anymore stupid than that!
Might as well invite North Korea's supreme leader.

ISIS has its roots to at least 2006. What you believe about Assad is just the American propaganda. There is no democracy in any Muslim country in the Middle East, however the regime of Assad has been one of the most secular ones that respected Christian and other minorities. Far better than the King of Saudi Arabia who died last year and many Western leaders went to his funeral to honor him! ISIS is really no different than Saudi Arabia.
I wasn't talking about democracy or having a go at Syria for not being one.
I was making the factual accusation that the majority of Syrians are not even allowed citizenship, cam't vote, are not allowed medical care from the state, public sector jobs and practically don't even exist because many of them don't even have a birth certificate.
It is these Sunni people who are being repressed, killed for being Sunni, who are not represented and can't participate in the Nation's Institutions with dignity and who are denied their Human Rights.
It is this repression that has led to the emergence of many insurgencies in the wake of the Autumn Spring where Assad was killing demonstrators on the streets.
These weapons would have been used against civilian Sunnis, not ISIL.
To say that the Sunnis would install a regime similar to Saudi Arabia (its a long bow to draw because the UN will not allow it) is by no means any justification to justify violations against the Sunnis Human Rights or to kill them in cold blood, or starve them to death under siege.
Both of you (SOTOS and STUD) should know a lot better!
What is the difference to that and Turkey saying its presence in Cyprus is justified because the majority Cypriots will favour ENOSIS with Greece and lead to violations against the minority TCs. Absolutely NONE!