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Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby kurupetos » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:24 pm

What an idiot! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ... zF2SAaIAus

The content of the containers is harmless. We could place them in a residential area!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby ZoC » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:14 pm

Hermes wrote:
ZoC wrote:mrs zoc lost a family member... :cry:

Sorry to hear it Zoc. Please accept my sympathy...

thanx, h...
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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:51 am

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On 11 July 2011, there was a massive explosion at the Cypriot naval base at Zygi.

At Zygi, in 1998, the arrest took place of two agents of Israel's Mossad.

According to Machi newspaper, the Mossad spy ring included Cypriots and fed information about Cypriot weapons systems and installations to Mossad and Britain's MI6.

Cyprus Mail: News Articles in English, 98-11-15

The "Mossad men were captured at a sensitive time when Cyprus was threatening to place Russian S-300 surface-to-air missiles as protection against Turkish jets at a base the Mossad agents were believed to be monitoring.

"It was coupled with reports that Israel had been training Turkish pilots on how to avoid the SAM missiles." ... us-prison/

The 11 July 2011 blast at Zygi killed 12 people, including the commander of the country's navy.

"A fire reportedly ignited about 100 containers holding confiscated Iranian explosives at the naval base at Zygi.

"The fire spread to the island's largest power station. It has been knocked out, resulting in widespread power cuts...

"The blast, which occurred at 0600, was 'rather like a sonic boom', eyewitness Hermes Solomon told the BBC."

Gas -

The Cyprus Navy chief and Base Commander were killed by the base munitions blast - The Defence Minister and Army Chief Resign

Who would want to disable both the Cyprus Army and the Navy?

(SEE: The Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus Disagreement Over Mediterranean Gas and Oil).

"Yesterday, Netanyahu was all set to challenge Lebanon's rights to parts of the Mediterranean gas and oil basin in a U.N. standoff, hoping to get the backing of the 'civilized world' behind the claims, which he fully intended to stake-out, believing that he had the Cypriot government's backing.

"According to the Lebanese news site Al-Manar, the government in Cypress expressed a willingness to negotiate with Tripoli over the position of what is known as 'point 23.'

"Today the arms dump of confiscated Iranian/Hezbollah arms explodes, taking-out the heads of Army and Navy."


"A fire broke out inside the administration building but was quickly put out. The cause of the fire was not immediately clear..." ... d/20110712

Cyprus Blast Destroys Vassilikos Power Plant, Power Lost To 50% of the Island

The ship that brought cargo of death to Cyprus

(links from Peter Chamberlin - ... osion.html
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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby georgios100 » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:20 am

Mistakes, mistakes...

1. First mistake = To accept the contraband Iranian munition containers be unloaded & stored on Cyprus soil.
2. Storage facility = Open storage exposed to intense solar radiation, really high levels.
3. Decision = Store the whole lot at one location (make the bomb capacity as big as possible).
4. Chosen spot = Locate the storage within a kilometer from the most valueble power generation plant on the island.
5. Safety measures = Ridiculous maintenance administered by the CNG officers.
6. Expertise = Total ignorance of international safety code regulation RE: Munition dump storage guidelines.
7. News reel = Repeated complains/reports for imediate removal/disposal of the materials ignored by the "authorities".
8. Evidence = Signs of deterioration/chemical reactions etc of the lot "swept under the carpet".

I can go on and with more mistakes commited by the people responsible for this tragedy but
will stop here and say this...


My thoughts go to the families of the victims. These criminals shall rot in hell.

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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby SKI-preo » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:33 am

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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:44 am

Cyprus is a small place and many Cypriots will have relatives or friends amongst the 12 who were killed and the many injured , as well as the many more who have had property damage and are homless: my thoughts are with them all, with sincerest condolences to those who have lost loved ones.
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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby kurupetos » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:12 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Just had some news from friends in Larnaca. The twins who lost their lives as a result of this explosion, Miltiades Christophorou and Christakis Christophorou, had only just arrived in Cyprus from the United States with their family. They were brought up their and on returning to their homeland joined the NG for the obligatory military service. Very tragic.

One of the unfortunate firefighters was from Anglissides: Giorgos Yakoumis. RIP. :cry:
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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:41 pm

kurupetos wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Just had some news from friends in Larnaca. The twins who lost their lives as a result of this explosion, Miltiades Christophorou and Christakis Christophorou, had only just arrived in Cyprus from the United States with their family. They were brought up their and on returning to their homeland joined the NG for the obligatory military service. Very tragic.

One of the unfortunate firefighters was from Anglissides: Giorgos Yakoumis. RIP. :cry:

Yet another son of Cyprus....RİP
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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:31 pm

The actual destination and content of the exploded containers

New evidence comes to light according to defencenet’s reliable information regarding the identity of the ammunition in the exploded containers and their actual destination.

The containers had arrived at the naval base on Monday, January 19, 2009. These containers were transported from a Russian, but bearing Cyprus flag, vessel, chartered by IRISL (Iran’s state shipping lines), from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas to Tartus, Syria.

The seizure of the cargo was carried out by the Cypriot authorities upon request from the U.S., short after a research from a U.S. team which discovered that the containers contained “Ammunition of 120, 122, 125 and 160 mm caliber, bullets, rifles AK-47 of 7.62 mm caliber, pressed gunpowder, simple charges and charges of magnesium” according to the classified 09State5968 telegram sent by the State Department to American Embassy in Nicosia.

However, as stated by the chairman of the Defence Committee of the Cyprus Parliament, George Barnabas to the Grek TV show “Yellow Press”, 35 of the 95 containers had content that remained unknown to the Cypriot authorities. He also said that some kind of pipes 2 to 4 feet in length, where spread on a large radius from the point of the explosion, injuring people.

“They still do not reveal the content of these 35 containers,” said George Barnabas, and it is doubtful that after the explosion that they ever do so.

According to recent information, the final recipient of the explosives and ammunition in the containers was the pro-Iranian organization Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the Syrian regular army. More specifically the load contained ammunition of 120mm caliber for the PM-43 mortar used by the army of Syria and , ammunition of 122 mm caliber for towed artillery (A-19, D-30, M-30) of the Army of Syria, 125 mm caliber ammunition for T-72 tanks also for the Army of Syria, and 160 mm caliber for the mortar system M53.

The U.S. had asked the Cypriot authorities to seize this cargo, because they were aware that among the recipients was the pro-Iranian organization.

The main American concern about this cargo was focused on the possible existence of antitank weapons 9M133 Kornet and 9K115-2 Metis-M. These are two powerful Russian-made systems that Hezbollah intended to use against Israeli tanks in the case of another conflict in southern Lebanon, similar to the one in 2006.

However, for the investigation of the case the Greek government sent in Cyprus today a team of the National Intelligence. The Greek team will work with the corresponding Cypriot department to investigate the deadly explosion in Limassol. It is worth noting that due to this summer vacations, military patrols around the naval base were reduced or stopped for several hours. As people living in the area report, prior to the explosion, two cars with license plates from the occupied part of Cyrus passed in front of the base with extremely low speed, giving the impression that the passengers photographed and recorded the details of the location of the 98 containers.

Source: ... -of-death/
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Re: Explosion at Cyprus naval base, 10 feared dead

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:50 pm

I too after lunching at a Zygi fish restaurant two years ago, driving towards Mazotos and asked the driver to slow down so I could take photos. Big deal, blame someone from the north if it makes them happy. :x We too had crossed the checkpoint.
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