denizaksulu wrote:Checkout this photo from Politis. Look at the state of the top container. I doubt its the heat. There are vents apparently. I suspect that mini-explosions were taking place in these containers.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... 16&type=1&
bigoz said: Keeping these explosives at a Greek National Guard camp after so long can only mean one thing; they were kept to be used against the TCs and/or the Turkish military backing them during any future conflict. I hope the remaining 18 containers go up in a smoke too, cause if they will ever be used against others, the casualty rate would be hundred fold! (hopefully the residents in that area will have the sense to move away from there)
Bananiot wrote:So many experts, on explosives, global diplomacy, ethics etc, etc, wasting themselves in the CF!
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