denizaksulu wrote:Hermes wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Whose brain-child was it to store the containers where they did? Why did not the USA take the contraband (or the eu) and just left t iny Cyprus to deal with this 'hot potato'. No pun intended. I am fucking annoyed.

Me too. What on earth were the authorities doing with such a potentially dangerous cargo sitting out in the open next to a power station? Is it true that they declined offers of international help? Who declined such an offer and on what grounds? I fear this has the making of an enormous scandal. It's quite right that the Defence Minister and head of the army have resigned. What was Christofias' role in any of this?
One thing comes to mind is someone trying to curry favour with Syria -for the obvious reasons. I still suspect sabotage after the shipment was on the agenda again. Did some entity try ensure the shipment never reached its original destinstion? Perhaps a bit far fetched, but perhaps Syria wanted to embarass the RoC? Far fetched again, any plausible ideas? Excluding a real probable accident?
Don't you start with bloody conspiracy theories!
It was an accident which shouldn't have happened. If, as has been reported in a number of places, the Yanks and the Brits offered to take care of this stuff, but our anti-western president turned the offers down, I think we all know who should take the blame!