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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby Piratis » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:32 am

Mutual respect is the bare minimum for any real friendship. So I wonder Bananiot, do your friends respect you, and since you would like all of us to be friends with them, do they respect GCs in general? Or do they want our ethnic cleansing from 1/3rd of our island so they can artificially create some Turkish State on the lands stolen from us?

You talked about "filotimo" before, so I really want to know how this "filotimo" is expressed by your friends. By offering to you coffees while at the same time insisting that it is fine to violate your human rights on the basis of your ethnicity?

There are many TCs that show respect to us and who therefore deserve our respect and our friendship (e.g. Kikapu). But there are also people who show no kind of respect to even our most basic human and democratic rights and such people can only be one thing: enemies.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:48 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Mrs Tavutoglu visited Byuk Han today. Andreas, one of our most regular visitors at the coffee shop, was kin to talk to her and she obliged. Andreas asked her to tell her husband that we need solution and to this she replied that her husband is working hard with his Greek counterpart to work out something positive. Andreas then told her that she should slap Ahmed on the face 2-3 times every night until a solution is found. Of course every body started laughing (by that time a crowd had gathered) but Mrs Davutoglu went along with the joke. She was very polite and good-natured, who demonstrated that she can take a joke in her stride.

I told you before Bananiot that these Bi-communal groups that rely on nothing but vague cliches just to keep them together, don't really attract me. Andreas "demand" to the Mrs Davutoglu was exactly that, a vague cliche. We want solution imish! As if ANY solution would be fine just give it to us. The question is WHAT KIND of solution. I was surprised the lady did not tell your friend that they already gave us a solution be it the Anan Plan!

NB. What is keeping you together there at buyuk han? The Anan Plan, the coffees, or the fact you want a "solution"?

I fully agree with Pyrpolizer. Such vague slogans are absolutely worthless since a "solution" can mean a very different thing to different people. Even if such bicommunal groups could create real friendships, such friendships would not be able to overwrite the interests of people. For as long as the TCs believe that they can screw us and have gains on our expense, no amounts of so called friendships will prevent them from pursuing such gains on our expense. I am always talking about the majority of people. There are always exceptions, but the exceptions are not enough to produce a fair solution.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:32 am

Okay Piratis (and Pyrpolyser) you have missed my point altogether but never mind. Now tell us the practical way forward that will get us to wherever you want us to go.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:56 am

With the current balance of power there is no practical way forward. Not moving forward, however, is far better than moving backward which is what you want to do.

What we should do is realize that there can not be a real solution under the current balance of power, but only a "settlement" that will create even more problems than we currently have. Therefore our policies should be tailored for the long term, building our relationship with nations that we can have common interests, and stop the unacceptable compromises that only help to make our position weaker and weaker.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:58 pm

Bananiot wrote:Pyrpolyser, you have gone down the hill my friend. Your main point was your idea that bi-communal groups rely on nothing but vague cliches, but I answered that we value friendship above everything else. For example, Hasip is a bloody good friend of mine, solution or no solution. He is the most kind and good hearted person I have ever met. Really, you are making a very miserable point. Our group is not bicommunal, it consists of warm, considerate people from Cyprus and elsewhere.

I don't know why you get so emotional and overreacting about it dear Bananiot.
If your group is like what you said then it is perfectly fine, it is just another way of building bridges between the people of Cyprus and others.

On the other hand please allow me to doubt that a high status lady like Mrs Davudoglu, would just drop in club of some friends, which is not bicommunal and does not have political stance, all by accident! Unless of course those who pointed her the place, know more about your group than yourselves :wink:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:48 am

...asking Turkey for the solution pretty well sums "it" up. slapping her husband
in the face every night sums up the feelings of Cypriots,
...whether Turcophone or Grecophone.

BBF is not hard to figure, but at present there is no representation for a "Greek" Community
an equal reflection of a (the) "Turkish" Community (in Cyprus); the State remains hobbled representing
its Citizens not just as Individuals, without a countervailing force for its credibility, having instead to
represent Greeks as Persons as well. three (atleast) governing bodies must exist for there to be a Bicommunal
Representation for the body of people, as a whole. within this whole a division of services allows for many
National Assemblies, not just "Turkish" and "Greek", and a form of self-representation Bizonally, within a framework
of territorial jurisdiction which can sustain the distinctions of these Identities within the context of Universal Principals,
with the Grace (as Cypriots, and through every governing body,) to recognise the value of respect as a Majority, providing
for the special needs of Minorities which live amongst them; not unlike Turkey herself...

...this is the State Ataturk could be proud of, this is the template Kemalists like their Greek contemporaries in Cyprus can gain from more as Humans, willing to take a lead as members of a larger Family of Man, in the presence of Universal Principals, sustaining their own identity, like the many, within a Sovereignty as Individuals that are equal standing united. idiot or not, it's his choice, International Glory, a page in many Histories revered, or a safe hole in the deep deep state; a "Turk" or a Turk.

...whack him in the head lady, Kurds and Greeks, Armenians, and Maronites, if he can't save their asses from extinction, he is no good as a Turk.
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:55 am

Perhaps you are correct, Pyrpolyser, I am getting very emotional, but really I cannot understand the mulish objections to a group of like-minded Cypriots getting together and doing exactly what all of us should have been doing instead of killing each other. Piratis sticks to his original plan, no solution now because the balance of power favours Turkey. This is extremely short sighted and fails to understand a most basic principle. If the problem is not solved, soon there will be no problem to solve and the south will be critically jeopardised, EU or no EU. Piratis has only one answer - wait - and in effect he signs the death contract of our country!
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