fig head wrote:i wont be drinking and driving as i dont have a car YET haha, i registered with the police yesterday to work part time translating and i have few interviews soon in London with the BBC i do wish i become a runner i know it isnt easy but i will do all what i can and see what happens, if i didnt get a job on TV i will probably do media social work and use my language !!!
it is boring here but not that much, im going to see Transformers 3 in 3D pictures later on today , there is much to do and lots of shops around, not bad, i have to say i like the fact that everything here is cheeper than Cyprus !! went food shopping this morning and i paid almost less than half whaat i will normally pay in paps ..
As they say, ' a silver lining to every gray cloud'. Thank for the info about employment. Best to be 'legal'. Good luck with the interviews.