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Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

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Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby Hermes » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:39 pm

Why would the T/Cs protest against a visit by their Protector and Caliph? Can anyone enlighten me?

Planned protests may quash Erdogan’s visit

TURKISH PRIME Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is waiting to hear whether he would be welcomed by Turkish Cypriots before deciding whether to visit the occupied areas this month, according to press reports.

Turkish Cypriot daily Yeni Duzen reported on Monday that Erdogan was waiting for the Turkish intelligence services to brief him before deciding on whether to visit the north on July 20, the 37th anniversary of the first Turkish invasion.

According to Yeni Duzen, Erdogan has not decided yet because he fears there will be protests and other activities organised against him.

The paper writes that if the intelligence services report that protests will be organised against him then Erdogan will reportedly announce the decision not to visit, using as an excuse his intensified efforts to establish a new government in Turkey.

The same paper cites “rumours” that the Turkish PM’s arrival will be met by protests from Tymbou (Ercan) airport to Kyrenia, with the real possibility of trouble between protestors and the authorities, given the current negative climate in the north.

Thousands of Turkish Cypriots have protested this year against Ankara-driven economic austerity measures, while highlighting fears that Turkey is attempting to drown Turkish Cypriot culture and identity. Some of the biggest gripes against Ankara are the introduction of religious schools and lessons in the north, as well as the sale of the Eastern Mediterranean University (DAU) and Turkish Cypriot Airlines to Turkish interests with reported links to the Erdogan government.

According to Yeni Duzen, Erdogan is expected to take a final decision on whether he will visit the island on July 15. ... t/20110706
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby jahitty » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:07 pm

Well maybe becuase he called TC'S parasites?

Maybe becuase he is doing everything in his power to embed and impose islam onto TC'S?

Maybe becuase the AKP is blatantly trying to destroy and assimilate TC culture through its social and economic policies.

Anything else i may have missed out, then let me know....
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:25 pm

jahitty wrote:Well maybe becuase he called TC'S parasites?

Maybe becuase he is doing everything in his power to embed and impose islam onto TC'S?

Maybe becuase the AKP is blatantly trying to destroy and assimilate TC culture through its social and economic policies.

Anything else i may have missed out, then let me know....

Is that all ? :lol:
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby jahitty » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:27 pm

i know ive missed out a whole host ofevil things,
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby B25 » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:55 pm

For as long as he is paying, their arses are his, sorry to say. It's really quite simple.

The VP's of this world are living in dream land, even there own dada, is afraid to visit them, some baby a?

Go on VP, I dare you, go to Ercan holding a banner saying " Erdogan we love you, please come" and see what happens????

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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:06 pm

B25 wrote:For as long as he is paying, their arses are his, sorry to say. It's really quite simple.

The VP's of this world are living in dream land, even there own dada, is afraid to visit them, some baby a?

Go on VP, I dare you, go to Ercan holding a banner saying " Erdogan we love you, please come" and see what happens????


Nothing will happen.......but if he said, ' Erdoğan Keep Out'. Then that would be a different story. CF would go bust.
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby Cap » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:10 pm

The North should be careful how they portray their feelings.

Dissent carries a price.
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby jahitty » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:24 pm

by the north you mean the left and the trade unions, they will be the ones mainly protesting, although to the AKP and erdogan dissent is dissent, no matter what the message is.......
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby Hermes » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:50 am

jahitty wrote:by the north you mean the left and the trade unions, they will be the ones mainly protesting, although to the AKP and erdogan dissent is dissent, no matter what the message is.......

I'm sure that when Erdogan arrives he will receive the splendid reception that the Caliph deserves. It would be very poor form for a few T/C malcontents to give the impression that everything is not well in paradise.
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Re: Erdogan Not Welcome In The Pariah State...

Postby grokked » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:45 am

Image from: ... w.facebook


(English translation via Google Translate - then the actual text in Turkish)

KTÖS'ten strong response
Thursday July 7, 2011
KTOS Internet

Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Trade Union General Secretary Elcil Sener, Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Cyprus on July 19 to 20 showed a strong response.

KTÖS'ün written statement published on the website, the Turkish Cypriots "feed," said Erdogan's visit to Hitler II. Benzetildi visit to France during World War II.

The description "of Cyprus as a colony in an effort to see and the AKP government, indicate that there is a solution, such as hypocrites on this visit in a provakasyondur completely. Sec. Erdogan's visit to France in the second world war is no different from visiting Hitler's visit, "said Elcil, Erdogan's recent statement that the word of the marginalized groups in the reaction.

Elcil statement used the following statements: "Our country is playing political games over the learned our kesmeğe continue in relation to the Geneva Summit. Cyprus problem is a mutual blame game returns in 1974, Republic of Cyprus, the AKP government failed to protect the territorial integrity and constitutional nizamını to re-establish the responsibility of a guarantor within the framework of the island seems to have forgotten that. the Turkish Cypriot community on the island using the framework of international treaties put forward by Turkey since 1974 in the politics and to assimilate the Turkish Cypriots and the island has been the point of incontinence. Cypriots on the island, the names of settlements and changes forced by law, by distributing the political will of citizens of the Turkish Cypriots move to the island nufüs gasbeden, public spaces and businesses who peşkeş capital of Turkey, imposed by law impoverished Turkish Cypriots, forced migration, north of our island gambling, prostitution and money laundering haven transforms, artificial-the dictates of Islam and Turkish Cypriots 's faith tradition and to change the character of the AKP government and its head Mr. dealing. Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on July 20, will visit our island. Cypriots "feed," said Mr.. Erdogan thinks this behavior with the self-affettireceğini very mistaken. And his response Turkish Cypriots who come to ignore, that characterize the marginal understanding he has nothing to give us. Cyprus as a colony in an effort to see and the AKP government, indicate that there is a solution, such as the visit is completely disingenuous about the provakasyondur. Sn. Erdogan visit to France in the second world war is no different from visiting Hitler's visit. Today, Cyprus can be your prisoner, but the Cypriots will not be captured any time. "

KTÖS'ten sert tepki
07 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe
KTÖS internet

Kıbrıs Türk Öğretmenler Sendikası Genel Sekreteri Şener Elcil, Türkiye Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın 19-20 Temmuz tarihlerinde KKTC'ye yapacağı ziyarete sert tepki gösterdi.

KTÖS'ün web sayfasında yayınlanan yazılı açıklamada, Kıbrıslı Türklere "besleme" diyen Erdoğan'ın ziyareti, Hitler'in II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Fransa'yı ziyaretine benzetildi.

Açıklamasında “Kıbrıs’ı bir koloni gibi gören ve bunun için uğraş veren AKP hükümeti, çözüm konusunda da samimiyetsiz olduğunu gösterdiği gibi bu ziyaret tamamen bir provakasyondur. Sn. Erdoğan’ın bu ziyareti ikinci dünya savaşında Fransa’yı ziyaret eden Hitler’in ziyaretinden hiçbir farkı yoktur” diyen Elcil, Erdoğan'ın son açıklamasında ifade ettiği marjinal gruplar sözüne de tepki gösterdi.

Elcil açıklamasında şu ifadeleri kullandı: "Ülkemiz üzerinden siyasi oyunlar oynayanlar Cenevre Zirvesi ile ilgili olarak ahkam kesmeğe devam etmektedirler. Kıbrıs sorununu karşılıklı bir suçlama oyununa döndüren AKP hükümeti 1974 yılında Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti’nin bozulan anayasal nizamını tekrardan tesis etmek ve toprak bütünlüğünü korumak için garantörlük sorumluluğu çerçevesinde adada bulunduğunu unutmuş görünmektedir. Kıbrıs Türk toplumunu kullanarak uluslararası antlaşmalar çerçevesinde adada bulunan Türkiye’nin 1974 yılından beri ortaya koyduğu siyaset ile Kıbrıslı Türkler’i asimile etmeye ve adadan kaçırma noktasına gelmiştir. Adadaki yerleşim yerlerinin ve Kıbrıslı Türkler’in isimlerini zoraki yasalarla değiştiren, adaya nufüs taşıyıp vatandaşlık dağıtarak Kıbrıslı Türkler’in siyasi iradesini gasbeden, kamusal alanları ve işletmeleri Türkiye sermayesine peşkeş çeken, dayatılan yasalarla Kıbrıslı Türkleri fakirleştirip, göçe zorlayan, adamızın kuzeyini kumar, fuhuş ve kara para aklama cennetine dönüştüren, sunni-islam dayatmaları ile Kıbrıslı Türkler’in inanç gelenek ve karakterini değiştirmeye uğraşan AKP hükümeti ve onun başı Sn. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 20 Temmuz’da adamızı ziyaret edeceğini açıklamıştır. Kıbrıslı Türkler’e “besleme” diyen Sn. Erdoğan bu tavırları ile kendini affettireceğini sanıyorsa çok yanılmaktadır. Üstelik kendisine tepki koyan Kıbrıslı Türkler’i görmezlikten gelip, marjinal diye niteleyen anlayışın bize vereceği hiçbirşey yoktur. Kıbrıs’ı bir koloni gibi gören ve bunun için uğraş veren AKP hükümeti, çözüm konusunda da samimiyetsiz olduğunu gösterdiği gibi bu ziyaret tamamen bir provakasyondur. Sn. Erdoğan’ın bu ziyareti ikinci dünya savaşında Fransa’yı ziyaret eden Hitler’in ziyaretinden hiçbir farkı yoktur. Bugün Kıbrıs sizin esiriniz olabilir ama Kıbrıslılar hiçbir zaman esir olmayacaktır."
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