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And they wonder why people want to use the bus?

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And they wonder why people want to use the bus?

Postby bizzybabe » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:08 pm

I was driving on the duel carriage dekalia road today. I was in the right hand land when i saw coming up behind me at least 90+ a taxi, the limo type. I had to swerve into the other lane otherwise he would have hit me from behind. As he past he almost lost control and nearly crashed into the crash barrier in the middle, missing it by mere "mm's". He then rebounded into the other lane almost smacking straight into another car. Before he got to the port round about and without pausing drove straight out in front of a lorry and two cars.

He had passengers and if it had been me in that car i would have been making a mental note never to travel by taxi again. I would certainly have been terrified and in fear of my life.

A week ago i was driving along the agia napa motorway , over the speed limit in the right hand lane, over taking another car. When i had a taxi over take me on the right hand side using the thin hard shoulder!

Have taxi drivers always been this mad? Or have they just got worse now they think they have the power to hold the whole country to ransom?
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Re: And they wonder why people want to use the bus?

Postby Sotos » Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:56 pm

A taxi never overtook me ;) When you say "90+" you mean kilometers or miles?
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Re: And they wonder why people want to use the bus?

Postby loadsatime » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:05 am

taxi drivers are exempt from all forms of prosecution they have a government minister behind them also a powerful mafia type union so what do you expect on a motorway I've been travelling at 120 MILES PER hr on limmasol paphos m'way and been passed by a loaded taxi.
the words to use on getting in a taxi here are 'is that as fast as this thing goes'!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: And they wonder why people want to use the bus?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:42 pm

loadsatime wrote:taxi drivers are exempt from all forms of prosecution they have a government minister behind them also a powerful mafia type union so what do you expect on a motorway I've been travelling at 120 MILES PER hr on limmasol paphos m'way and been passed by a loaded taxi.
the words to use on getting in a taxi here are 'is that as fast as this thing goes'!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

i once saw a taxi pulled over for jumping a red light in Germasogia....I think....
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Re: And they wonder why people want to use the bus?

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:49 pm

... and now the bleeding Taxing Drivers are demanding that public bus services stop at 11pm!!!!!!!!

From... ... 389-69.htm

......In a surprise statement to the House Communications Committee taxi union leader Kyriacos Moustakas said: “The bus system is benefiting tourists and not Cypriots.”
Taxi drivers are demanding that bus services stop at 11pm and fares rise...."
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Re: And they wonder why people want to use the bus?

Postby kurupetos » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:02 pm

Who needs taxis and buses? We have cars. :D
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