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The end is near, 7th July 2011

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby Hermes » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:46 am

ZoC wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu we are no nearer a solution pre or post EU so the EU has not brought about the solution GCs thought it would. You can paint is every color in the rainbow but your words mean nothing as a solution is not even remotely possible.

ur right. no solution is possible. so no point u polluting a cypriot forum any more. may i recommend a new home, where u can discuss matters with like-minded people:

u can start here:

ZoC is right. The title of this forum is "Cyprus Problem. How can we solve it?". Since forum member Viewpoint has explicitly stated that he has no proposals and declares the Cyprus Problem can never be solved, isn't it time he moved on and stopped wasting everyone's time with his relentless negativity and trolling?
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby SKI-preo » Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:13 am

the end is near?...I had Gigantes Giaxni last night...... it is the end for the executive Bogs in our office.....i wish I had a packet of matches ....BIOHAZARD.... Closed pending further notice. They will take my Key.
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby antifon » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:40 am

Someone said "TCs who they [gCypriots] view are just a minority and should know their place"

Correct! tCypriots are indeed a minority. tCypriots should know their place. Their place as a community is NOT to dictate the economic or political future of Cyprus to the majority, a majority which has through the ages defined the identity of the island.

We keep talking of two sides and equality because of 1960. That was a mistake. Just as 1923 was a mistake for the Kurds and Turks. That's what its all about. Fixing 1923 and 1960.

At the end of the day, and I do appreciate how hard it is for Turks of Turkey to grasp such concept, "equality", "federation", "community rights", and a series of other beautiful words will mean the exact same thing for Kurds and Turks of Turkey as they will mean for t's & g's.

The sooner we all grasp this simplistic concept the sooner we will achieve peace with each other and peace within.

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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:46 am

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu we are no nearer a solution pre or post EU so the EU has not brought about the solution GCs thought it would. You can paint is every color in the rainbow but your words mean nothing as a solution is not even remotely possible.

As I've said before, if all reasonable suggestions for a settlement are rejected by any one of the parties, you cannot blame the EU for not there being a settlement already. What the EU is left with then it's to use it's position politically to bring about a settlement by "squeezing" it out of the parties involved in due time, such as using the EU membership to Turkey as a carrot. Before 2004, there were a zero chance for a settlement since the view from the north was, that Cyprus problem was solved in 74, so as a result, nothing was going to persuade Turkey to look for a settlement. The only reason the AP was agreed to by Turkey, was because Cyprus was going to become an EU member, therefore, the AP was drafted to diminish any political advantage the RoC would have over Turkey. The AP failed to save Turkey from it's predicament she faces today with her EU membership, so now, the EU is in the driving seat to bring about a settlement when ever Turkey finally realises she cannot become a EU member without the Cyprus problem is solved. Look how far the EU membership of RoC has helped since 2004 to push for a settlement than before 2004 when Denktash refused to even talk about a settlement, let alone have one. If we are to believe Denktash, which I don', he even didn't want to have a settlement based on AP. Now, the leadership in the north and the south cannot even refuse to sit and talk for a settlement because of the EU factor. In time, Turkey will come to accept that their EU membership will need to go through the RoC, in which the EU will take the credit of bringing about a EU solution to Cyprus. Just be patient. The last 7 years has yielded far more incentives to bring about a settlement than anytime before 2004, going as far back as there has been TC/GC problems in Cyprus. The incentives for a settlement will only get more intense as the Oil and Gas is brought to the surface from RoC's EEZ areas. Interesting times are ahead for a settlement, just because the RoC is in the EU and Turkey wants to be in the EU. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will be the Cyprus settlement.
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:19 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu we are no nearer a solution pre or post EU so the EU has not brought about the solution GCs thought it would. You can paint is every color in the rainbow but your words mean nothing as a solution is not even remotely possible.

As I've said before, if all reasonable suggestions for a settlement are rejected by any one of the parties, you cannot blame the EU for not there being a settlement already. What the EU is left with then it's to use it's position politically to bring about a settlement by "squeezing" it out of the parties involved in due time, such as using the EU membership to Turkey as a carrot. Before 2004, there were a zero chance for a settlement since the view from the north was, that Cyprus problem was solved in 74, so as a result, nothing was going to persuade Turkey to look for a settlement. The only reason the AP was agreed to by Turkey, was because Cyprus was going to become an EU member, therefore, the AP was drafted to diminish any political advantage the RoC would have over Turkey. The AP failed to save Turkey from it's predicament she faces today with her EU membership, so now, the EU is in the driving seat to bring about a settlement when ever Turkey finally realises she cannot become a EU member without the Cyprus problem is solved. Look how far the EU membership of RoC has helped since 2004 to push for a settlement than before 2004 when Denktash refused to even talk about a settlement, let alone have one. If we are to believe Denktash, which I don', he even didn't want to have a settlement based on AP. Now, the leadership in the north and the south cannot even refuse to sit and talk for a settlement because of the EU factor. In time, Turkey will come to accept that their EU membership will need to go through the RoC, in which the EU will take the credit of bringing about a EU solution to Cyprus. Just be patient. The last 7 years has yielded far more incentives to bring about a settlement than anytime before 2004, going as far back as there has been TC/GC problems in Cyprus. The incentives for a settlement will only get more intense as the Oil and Gas is brought to the surface from RoC's EEZ areas. Interesting times are ahead for a settlement, just because the RoC is in the EU and Turkey wants to be in the EU. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will be the Cyprus settlement.

On the matter of the EU and derogations.

This is Article 6 of the annex to the Anan Scam.

... "Article 6 The European Union
Upon entry into force of the Foundation Agreement, the Co-Presidents shall through the attached letter inform the European Union of the coming into being of the new state of affairs and the commitment of the United Cyprus Republic to assume all rights and obligations arising from the Treaty of Accession. The Co-Presidents shall also request the European Union to endorse the Foundation Agreement and to accommodate its terms in line with the principles on which the European Union is founded and adopt special measures for the Turkish Cypriot State. They shall furthermore request that the final outcomes will result in the adaptation of primary law and ensure legal certainty and security within the European Union legal system for all concerned."...

A simple paragraph of a handful of sentences, that would have been sent as a letter to the EU.. and a para that will have given legality in the EU to the apartheid settlement, and to all the suspect derogations in the Foundation Agreement...

... " and to accommodate its terms in line with the principles on which the European Union is founded "... in other words Sod the Principles or any notion of principles, that's what would have been signed, sealed and delivered to the EU.
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:40 pm

Kikapu do you live on earth? Does Turkey look like a country that even wants to enter the crumbling EU? Your whole ideology revolve around a very strong desire that Turkey wants the EU and that the GCs control the whole of the EU to get them to force a solution out of Turkey. Well imho Turkey is sticking her middle finger up at the back boneless EU say FU. If I had the power I would have cut off all relations with Turkey a long time ago, this only goes to show that they cant and wont be forced by the GCs to do so, there goes your whole ideology out of the window, how long do you need to understand that the EU are spineless bureaucrats who just like to feel important and that your dream will never materialize? 5years 10 years how long exactly?
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:47 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu do you live on earth? Does Turkey look like a country that even wants to enter the crumbling EU? Your whole ideology revolve around a very strong desire that Turkey wants the EU and that the GCs control the whole of the EU to get them to force a solution out of Turkey. Well imho Turkey is sticking her middle finger up at the back boneless EU say FU. If I had the power I would have cut off all relations with Turkey a long time ago, this only goes to show that they cant and wont be forced by the GCs to do so, there goes your whole ideology out of the window, how long do you need to understand that the EU are spineless bureaucrats who just like to feel important and that your dream will never materialize? 5years 10 years how long exactly?

Be patient. It's not about the EU doing anything for the GCs, but it's about EU doing something for themselves, like getting Turkey off it's territory. If Turkey did not have desires to have anything to do with the EU, they would have retracted their application already. They have not. Until they do, I will stick to my beliefs.
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby Jerry » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:05 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu do you live on earth? Does Turkey look like a country that even wants to enter the crumbling EU? Your whole ideology revolve around a very strong desire that Turkey wants the EU and that the GCs control the whole of the EU to get them to force a solution out of Turkey. Well imho Turkey is sticking her middle finger up at the back boneless EU say FU. If I had the power I would have cut off all relations with Turkey a long time ago, this only goes to show that they cant and wont be forced by the GCs to do so, there goes your whole ideology out of the window, how long do you need to understand that the EU are spineless bureaucrats who just like to feel important and that your dream will never materialize? 5years 10 years how long exactly?

The "spineless bureacrats" control an economy on which Turkey is very dependant for investment and export. It can't afford to tell the EU to eff off cos its economy would collapse, geddit!
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:17 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu do you live on earth? Does Turkey look like a country that even wants to enter the crumbling EU? Your whole ideology revolve around a very strong desire that Turkey wants the EU and that the GCs control the whole of the EU to get them to force a solution out of Turkey. Well imho Turkey is sticking her middle finger up at the back boneless EU say FU. If I had the power I would have cut off all relations with Turkey a long time ago, this only goes to show that they cant and wont be forced by the GCs to do so, there goes your whole ideology out of the window, how long do you need to understand that the EU are spineless bureaucrats who just like to feel important and that your dream will never materialize? 5years 10 years how long exactly?

Be patient. It's not about the EU doing anything for the GCs, but it's about EU doing something for themselves, like getting Turkey off it's territory. If Turkey did not have desires to have anything to do with the EU, they would have retracted their application already. They have not. Until they do, I will stick to my beliefs.

As I have stated before the idea is more important than the actual they will continue sticking that middle finger up in the air. The GCs were dreaming that entering the EU it would give them leverage to crush Turkey but EU had other ideas which were not what the GCs wanted.

The 7th of July has passed and zilch yet again.
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Re: The end is near, 7th July 2011

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:29 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu do you live on earth? Does Turkey look like a country that even wants to enter the crumbling EU? Your whole ideology revolve around a very strong desire that Turkey wants the EU and that the GCs control the whole of the EU to get them to force a solution out of Turkey. Well imho Turkey is sticking her middle finger up at the back boneless EU say FU. If I had the power I would have cut off all relations with Turkey a long time ago, this only goes to show that they cant and wont be forced by the GCs to do so, there goes your whole ideology out of the window, how long do you need to understand that the EU are spineless bureaucrats who just like to feel important and that your dream will never materialize? 5years 10 years how long exactly?

Be patient. It's not about the EU doing anything for the GCs, but it's about EU doing something for themselves, like getting Turkey off it's territory. If Turkey did not have desires to have anything to do with the EU, they would have retracted their application already. They have not. Until they do, I will stick to my beliefs.

As I have stated before the idea is more important than the actual they will continue sticking that middle finger up in the air. The GCs were dreaming that entering the EU it would give them leverage to crush Turkey but EU had other ideas which were not what the GCs wanted.

The 7th of July has passed and zilch yet again.

You put too much importance on individual dates and meetings. It's the end result that will matter the most in a settlement for Cyprus and not so much the "journey" itself...

Be patient!
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