I had an experience the other week where i went to a beach on the dekalia road. A non de script, non hotel beach mind you.
I use a beach mat at the beach, the better to not always have to pay for a sun bed. I had hardly spread out for five mins when along comes this Cypriot guy. Who insists that i cannot use a beach mat on the beach, i must pay for a sun bed from him. He insists he owns the beach right up to the sea. Now i've been in the country long enough to have wised up to these kind of people. I call BS and tell him i won't be forced to pay for anything, that i've been going to these beaches long before he set up his over priced sun beds and no, he doesn't own a tourist beach. I tell him i'm not some ignorant tourist, i'm an ex pat who lives here.
He then backs down and insists then i must still use a sun bed, but that he won't charge me for it. Why? Because he says otherwise everyone else will get the idea that they can bring their own gear to the beach too and won't use his sun beds.
Well he doesn't get his own way, later in the morning as the beach fills up people use their own or use his sun beds what ever their preference and despite his attempts to force them to spend money.
Wonder why people don't come back?