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greek mess

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Re: greek mess

Postby boomerang » Tue May 29, 2012 11:48 am

i tell ya the greeks put sniffing dogs to shame when it comes to sniffing free money... :lol:
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Re: greek mess

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 29, 2012 2:58 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Bananiot wrote:The sad thing is that every thing Madame Lagarde said is totally correct. By the way, its "Ου με πείσεις, καν με πείσεις"

The sad thing is that this repulsive creature was only fit to replace the previous scandal-ridden Frenchman, who didn't know how to keep his hands off hotel maids, because of the unlikelihood she could possess any such emotions.

Otherwise, she should hang her head in shame to feign pity at Africans knowing France was responsible for raping Africa, carrying out the most number of shipments of slaves amounting to millions of unfortunate souls, and being one of the last countries to abolish slavery.

This is what she should pity - her unfortunate heritage! And try harder not to do to Europe what her countrymen did to these Africans she now pretends to be concerned about.

So she should hang her head in shame for something that happened two hundred years before she was even born??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh sorry. Slavery is a touchy subject with Brits too. :roll:

France's colonialism is still affecting the starving children of Africa!

It should be with the Greeks too, bearing mind the democracy they boast they invented was founded on the back of slave owning society. Some democracy!

As for Britain, once slavery was abolished we worked very hard to eradicte the trade by others. Otherwise while it was wrong, it was so far in the past I am not going to aplogise for what my ancestors did.
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Re: greek mess

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue May 29, 2012 5:41 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Bananiot wrote:The sad thing is that every thing Madame Lagarde said is totally correct. By the way, its "Ου με πείσεις, καν με πείσεις"

The sad thing is that this repulsive creature was only fit to replace the previous scandal-ridden Frenchman, who didn't know how to keep his hands off hotel maids, because of the unlikelihood she could possess any such emotions.

Otherwise, she should hang her head in shame to feign pity at Africans knowing France was responsible for raping Africa, carrying out the most number of shipments of slaves amounting to millions of unfortunate souls, and being one of the last countries to abolish slavery.

This is what she should pity - her unfortunate heritage! And try harder not to do to Europe what her countrymen did to these Africans she now pretends to be concerned about.

So she should hang her head in shame for something that happened two hundred years before she was even born??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh sorry. Slavery is a touchy subject with Brits too. :roll:

France's colonialism is still affecting the starving children of Africa!

It should be with the Greeks too, bearing mind the democracy they boast they invented was founded on the back of slave owning society. Some democracy!

As for Britain, once slavery was abolished we worked very hard to eradicte the trade by others. Otherwise while it was wrong, it was so far in the past I am not going to aplogise for what my ancestors did.

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Re: greek mess

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue May 29, 2012 5:48 pm

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Re: greek mess

Postby kimon07 » Tue May 29, 2012 7:33 pm

A very interesting article.

On the Relevance of Democracy



(Own report) - In the run-up to new elections in Greece, the German elite is discussing various scenarios involving the use of force to ensure control over Athens, including the establishment of a protectorate or the deployment of "protection forces" in that southern European country. The German austerity dictate, pushing Greece into destitution, is provoking growing popular resistance, which, apparently, can no longer be suppressed with democratic means. Berlin has failed in its efforts to force Athens into subordination by threatening to withdraw the Euro, as much as with its demand that Greece combines its parliamentary elections with a referendum on the question of remaining in the Euro zone. Berlin categorically rejects the option of retracting the austerity dictate and replacing it with stimulus programs, as is being demanded by leading economists world wide, even though the exclusion of Greece form the Euro zone threatens to push the currency, itself, into an abyss.

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Re: greek mess

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 7:39 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Bananiot wrote:The sad thing is that every thing Madame Lagarde said is totally correct. By the way, its "Ου με πείσεις, καν με πείσεις"

The sad thing is that this repulsive creature was only fit to replace the previous scandal-ridden Frenchman, who didn't know how to keep his hands off hotel maids, because of the unlikelihood she could possess any such emotions.

Otherwise, she should hang her head in shame to feign pity at Africans knowing France was responsible for raping Africa, carrying out the most number of shipments of slaves amounting to millions of unfortunate souls, and being one of the last countries to abolish slavery.

This is what she should pity - her unfortunate heritage! And try harder not to do to Europe what her countrymen did to these Africans she now pretends to be concerned about.

So she should hang her head in shame for something that happened two hundred years before she was even born??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh sorry. Slavery is a touchy subject with Brits too. :roll:

France's colonialism is still affecting the starving children of Africa!

It should be with the Greeks too, bearing mind the democracy they boast they invented was founded on the back of slave owning society. Some democracy!

As for Britain, once slavery was abolished we worked very hard to eradicte the trade by others. Otherwise while it was wrong, it was so far in the past I am not going to aplogise for what my ancestors did.

I never asked you to apologize for Britain's massive slave trade - but did not expect you to excuse it with a vague comparison to some 'slaves' used over two and a half thousand years ago which btw were never plundered in the manner of the African slave trade but were people captured as a result of defeat in war and given the chance to free themselves again. An entirely different scenario. So which of the policies of classic Greek Democracy are giving you a problem today? So 150 some years ago is "so far in the past" yet 2,5000 years ago is worth a mention to moan?

My oh my, you're prickly about your recent rape of Africa. :roll:

The complaint still stands. If Lagarde is feeling sorry for African children, it should be because of the legacy of the French and not some home Greek debt.
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Re: greek mess

Postby kimon07 » Tue May 29, 2012 7:43 pm

European mess.

Impoverishment Made in Germany

(Own report) - The German austerity dictate is leading to new economic and social turbulence in the indebted counties of the southern Euro-zone. Spain, compelled in late March to make financial cutbacks totaling 27 billion Euros, must extend its austerity program to a total of 37 billion Euros. An increasing number of debtors cannot repay their credits on time. With their backlog of 143,8 billion Euros, the country's banks, in fact, can only refinance themselves through the European Central Bank. Italy is also slipping into the downward spin of cutbacks, growing unemployment, decreasing purchasing power and increasing social spending and, like Greece a few years ago, must already readjust its savings goals. Greece has been fully drawn into this development. Last year, 68,000 enterprises went bankrupt - the volume of incoming orders has dramatically shrunk. A high number of bankruptcies is also expected this year. This offers German enterprises good opportunities for acquiring the fillet morsels of state enterprises at rock-bottom prices.

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Re: greek mess

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 7:48 pm

kimon07 wrote:A very interesting article.

On the Relevance of Democracy



(Own report) - In the run-up to new elections in Greece, the German elite is discussing various scenarios involving the use of force to ensure control over Athens, including the establishment of a protectorate or the deployment of "protection forces" in that southern European country. The German austerity dictate, pushing Greece into destitution, is provoking growing popular resistance, which, apparently, can no longer be suppressed with democratic means. Berlin has failed in its efforts to force Athens into subordination by threatening to withdraw the Euro, as much as with its demand that Greece combines its parliamentary elections with a referendum on the question of remaining in the Euro zone. Berlin categorically rejects the option of retracting the austerity dictate and replacing it with stimulus programs, as is being demanded by leading economists world wide, even though the exclusion of Greece form the Euro zone threatens to push the currency, itself, into an abyss.

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Next step; the Germans will reignite the Gas Chambers ...
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Re: greek mess

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue May 29, 2012 7:53 pm

The Germans have never been comfortable with Democracy. They despised their democratic leaders as weak in a run-up to starting WWII.
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Re: greek mess

Postby bsharpish » Tue May 29, 2012 8:40 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:The Germans have never been comfortable with Democracy. They despised their democratic leaders as weak in a run-up to starting WWII.

And there's today's " stereotypical statement of the day "

You'd be soooo pissed off if I wheeled out a similar statement regarding the Greeks

And FYI every German I've met is more engaged in democracy than most other nationalities I've encountered ..... But hey what would I know .... I only spent 20 years working closely with numerous high tech German companies which required very close co-operation, hence , significant time working in Germany .

Additionally -

The power shift in Germany in the 30's was a usurpation of democracy and AT NO POINT did the Austrian corporal (or his apparatus of terror) archieve a true mandate ...... 56% voted against his party in 1933 ( that was the Nazi parties BEST result) and 64% against him in the 1932 presidential election.

I've personally,and in business, always found the Germans I've encountered to be hard working, honourable, honest and transparent, as an example -

On Black Wednesday my business was looking at a (possibly bankrupting) loss running into 5 figures due to large order books with German suppliers ....... Without exception they all got in touch and "split the loss" 50/50 and extended there credit terms...... And some of these were internationally known mega corporations !!!.
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