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Limas Hole Road Destruction

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Re: Limas Hole Road Destruction

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:26 pm

And over TWO YEARS on this Road is still being built, in particular the section from the Paphou/Nikaias Junction to the new roundabout at the bottom end of the Industrial estate, together with Work on Pafou itself. A disgracefully slow performance.

Indeed without fishing that with due dispatch they now want to do more road works in the area, by extending the duel carriage way further north, possibly as far as the Hospital. This is not a bad thing to properly connect the Industrial area and port to the highway, but I just hope they sort out the interchange with the highway adding some extra slip roads to/from the highway otherwise the conveniently close hospital will likely be getting a lot of extra trade in Aand E.
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Re: Limas Hole Road Destruction

Postby kurupetos » Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:33 pm

Sotos wrote:The photo is funny but if that is the only routing problem I don't think is a big one since there is only one way to go from there. I've seen worst ... when there are some signs that take you into some "labyrinth" and then there are no more signs and you don't know where the hell you should turn next!!

The road network in downtown Limassol is just ridiculous. :twisted: IMO most buildings have to be demolished, especially those in the 'Turkish neighbourhood' area. :wink:

It's almost as bad as in downtown Nicosia, but at least we (Nicosians) have the 'green line' to blame. 8) :?
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Re: Limas Hole Road Destruction

Postby johbee » Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:07 pm

I pass by there almost every morning. There are usually at least one or two people working...................Absolutely ridiculous!
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