Viewpoint wrote:I have always supported a land for recognition type solution, its the only way both sides get what they want.
CRealist wrote:Hello to all!
I am a Cypriot (Greek) who is tired of the Cyprus Problem. Every year we hear more of the same and no solution in sight! And with the kind of solution negotiated today, even if we finally came to some agreement, it would probably result in something too complicated and practically unworkable. Time to look to an alternative form of solution.
The solution I propose is not new but I believe it was never given the appropriate attention. This solution is "Land for Recognition". In short, the Turks give back a significant part of the territory they occupy and in return we recognize a separate state in north Cyprus.
Such solution can work, and could be the best possible solution for all Cypriots, Greek and Turkish, if the following condition is met:
1. The land returned should be enough, in terms of both amount and potential value, so that a proper exchange of properties can be made. The Turkish community owns about 18% of property while the Greek community about 82%. Today property ownership of both communities is distributed all over the island. With this solution the Turkish Cypriots will own almost the 100% of the land in the north, while the Greek Cypriots almost the 100% of the south, in a fair exchange where nobody gets more and nobody gets less than what they actually own. This means the size of the two states should be about 82% - 18% of the territory of the island.
We can also take this solution a step further. The Turkish Cypriots could agree that most Turkish Settlers will return to Turkey and that the Turkish troops will leave from Cyprus and this will enable the Greek Cypriots to agree that the newly formed Turkish Cypriot state will become an equal EU member. This would result in a unification of sorts through EU, with free movement, free trade and everything else that unites the EU countries.
Some of the benefits of this solution:
1. All refugees are compensated with an equivalent amount of land.
2. Cyprus will be free from Turkey and Cypriots (Greek and Turkish) will be free to run their own states.
3. Each state will have a normal democratic system instead of a complicated and unworkable system that would result from a BBF based solution.
4. There will be no problems that could result from differences in language and religion.
5. Cyprus will be reunited in the same degree as it would with a BBF like an Annan plan. No, it will not be a true and full unification but this wouldn't be the case with a BBF solution either.
6. The Turkish Cypriots will learn to take responsibilities and do what is best for themselves rather than doing what is best for Turkey. Once the conflict with Greek Cypriots is over they will realize that neither the oppressive authority of the Turkish army nor the vast amounts of Anatolian Settlers is something which is for their own interests. Having secured independence and an entry in EU they will have the means to free themselves from Turkey.
For this solution to materialize brave decisions need to be taken. The Greek Cypriots will have to accept that a significant part of Cyprus will be a separate Turkish state. Yes, we have a history in Kyrenia that goes back many 1000s of years but unfortunately we need to make some sacrifices if a solution is going to be found. The Turkish Cypriots will have to accept that they can not keep for themselves anywhere near the amount of land presently occupied by the Turkish army. If they want a real, free and truly independent state then they have to give a lot of that land back to Greek Cypriots.
What do the members of this forum think about this solution? Are you willing to move on and do what is needed for a workable solution?
Viewpoint wrote:You are talking total crap Pyro that would not be the case if we agreed % for recognition. You do not want to share with us equally this would give you more land and no TC involvement in your state.
Viewpoint wrote:You are talking total crap Pyro that would not be the case if we agreed % for recognition. You do not want to share with us equally this would give you more land and no TC involvement in your state.
Viewpoint wrote:This will happen later rather than sooner but it will happen all the same as we will never be able to agree a solution unifying the island.
kurupetos wrote:Viewpoint wrote:This will happen later rather than sooner but it will happen all the same as we will never be able to agree a solution unifying the island.
WMD can ruin your wet taksim dreams in a few minutes.
Viewpoint wrote:This will happen later rather than sooner but it will happen all the same as we will never be able to agree a solution unifying the island.
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