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Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:55 pm

Jerry wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:what people like Sotos forget was that it was CYPRIOTS both Kypreos and Kibrisi who in the early years of the Republic fought for its destruction, seeking either Enosis or Takism , who were thus the first to violate the treaties. This resulting in (a) the events of 1963 and the first really evil A Plan, the Acritas Plan, (probably written by Papa dope), with the first de facto partition og the Island. There was then inexorable progress to the events of 1974, when certain Cypriots, backed by another of the guarantor powers, Greece, really sh*tted it up with the Coup, and (as was described by big Mak to the UN), Invasion by Greece. as it gave the Turks the excuse they had been looking for since 1955 to invade.

(Probably from 1955 onwards Enosis was a non starter).

Or would you have preferred that in 1974 Britain took on the coupists and the Greeks, alongside Turkey?

The natives may have fought for the island's destruction Stud but they were poked with big sticks by other interested parties.

PS When I saw you had posted I thought/hoped that you were going to report that you had sent dozens of messages to those mentioned in my first post. :)

If they were poked with a big stick it was because Big Mac had delusions about his adequacy as an international statesmen and at the height of the Cold war was (rightly or wrongly) seen as being a tad too ready to climb into bed with the communist block. However the principal external players were probably Greece and Turkey, both of whom had their own geopolitical agenda, in particular Turkey who were never going to allow Greek domination of their southern coast from Cyprus, hence the tragic events of '64 and '74 .
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby Sotos » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:50 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:what people like Sotos forget was that it was CYPRIOTS both Kypreos and Kibrisi who in the early years of the Republic fought for its destruction, seeking either Enosis or Takism , who were thus the first to violate the treaties. This resulting in (a) the events of 1963 and the first really evil A Plan, the Acritas Plan, (probably written by Papa dope), with the first de facto partition og the Island. There was then inexorable progress to the events of 1974, when certain Cypriots, backed by another of the guarantor powers, Greece, realy sh*tted it up with the Coup, and (as was described by big Mak to the UN), Invasion by Greece. as it gave the Turks the excuse they had been looking for since 1955 to invade.

(Probably from 1955 onwards Enosis was a non starter).

Or would you have prefered that in 1974 Britain took on the coupists and the Greeks, alongside Turkey?

We would prefer for Britain to piss off from our island ;) When all foreign troops fuck off from Cyprus and let us do what we want then and only then they can blame us for what happens in Cyprus. They are the ones who wrote the 1960 constitution and they continued to be involved in our internal affairs so they are the ones responsible. When we will write our own constitution and we are free to do whatever we want with our island then we will also take the responsibility if something we design doesn't work well!!
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:05 am

Jerry wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Jerry wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:what people like Sotos forget was that it was CYPRIOTS both Kypreos and Kibrisi who in the early years of the Republic fought for its destruction, seeking either Enosis or Takism , who were thus the first to violate the treaties. This resulting in (a) the events of 1963 and the first really evil A Plan, the Acritas Plan, (probably written by Papa dope), with the first de facto partition og the Island. There was then inexorable progress to the events of 1974, when certain Cypriots, backed by another of the guarantor powers, Greece, realy sh*tted it up with the Coup, and (as was described by big Mak to the UN), Invasion by Greece. as it gave the Turks the excuse they had been looking for since 1955 to invade.

(Probably from 1955 onwards Enosis was a non starter).

Or would you have prefered that in 1974 Britain took on the coupists and the Greeks, alongside Turkey?

The natives may have fought for the island's destruction Stud but they were poked with big sticks by other interested parties.

PS When I saw you had posted I thought/hoped that you were going to report that you had sent dozens of messages to those mentioned in my first post. :)

Hi Jerry and BillC, is this site any good?

I think a Cyprus petition was done a couple of years ago - can't remember the exact subject. I think the TCs also started one asking for embargoes to be lifted.

You start one about illegal colonisation Deniz and I'll sign it. 100,000 sigs and we get a debate in Parliament. :D :D :D

Boys... trust me ... petitions are very hard work and it's an equation between amount and best use of effort and results... very diff to get more than a few hundred sigs on CY. I mean if you wanna give it a try, go for it, it would be a very good subject for an Island-wide campaign... won't say anymore.

... but choose your petition site carefully... BELIEVE the No.10 site is for GB citizens, and it asks for GB post-codes, and other sites ask for off-putting personal info that deter signers.

If may add... One to consider is a petition to the Euro Parliament. Open to all EU citizens to sign. ... and it will be considered by the Petitions Committee, and they will give it a pretty decent level of consideration. You'll recall some of the members of this committee visited Agia Zoni in Occupied Varosi back in the New Year ... and got thrown in to the backs of cars for their troubles.

Email sent to Mr Milliband.... Now a diff one for the scumbag GB Foreign Office....
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:13 pm

David Lidington, Minister at the GB Foreign Office will be visiting CY on the 27th of this month by the way. A few days before the Geneva meeting ... all very... erm ... timely ... 8)
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:55 pm

bill cobbett wrote:David Lidington, Minister at the GB Foreign Office will be visiting CY on the 27th of this month by the way. A few days before the Geneva meeting ... all very... erm ... timely ... 8)

Just remind him that he is NOT there on vacation. :D
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:57 pm

Jerry wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:what people like Sotos forget was that it was CYPRIOTS both Kypreos and Kibrisi who in the early years of the Republic fought for its destruction, seeking either Enosis or Takism , who were thus the first to violate the treaties. This resulting in (a) the events of 1963 and the first really evil A Plan, the Acritas Plan, (probably written by Papa dope), with the first de facto partition og the Island. There was then inexorable progress to the events of 1974, when certain Cypriots, backed by another of the guarantor powers, Greece, realy sh*tted it up with the Coup, and (as was described by big Mak to the UN), Invasion by Greece. as it gave the Turks the excuse they had been looking for since 1955 to invade.

(Probably from 1955 onwards Enosis was a non starter).

Or would you have prefered that in 1974 Britain took on the coupists and the Greeks, alongside Turkey?

The natives may have fought for the island's destruction Stud but they were poked with big sticks by other interested parties.

PS When I saw you had posted I thought/hoped that you were going to report that you had sent dozens of messages to those mentioned in my first post. :)

Hi Jerry. The following is from Facebook.

Cyprus- Cypriots Kisacasi olay su:
Lefkosada Onder alisveris merkezinin garsisinda tc yardim heyeti varmis!
isdeyenlerin 20 milyar yardim icin basvurmasi icin cagrida bulunmuslar, yardim sebebi ev yapma tamir etme. bunu ogrendigimiz kaynak bize dediki bu sadece tc kokenlilere verilen bir paradir !!! dedik`ki bu irkciliga ayrimciliga ve bizi yok etmeye = bir olaydir ve suctur ! gonusdugumuz arkadas guldu... noldu dedik...dedi guldurmeyin beni polis uzman asker alinirken bu memlekette tc vatandasligina gore alinmazmi ? ve kimsenin sesi cikmaz !!!dedik dogru :( her neysa tc yardim heyetindeki olayi ogrenmek icin 1 kibrisli 1 da tc kokenli 2 kisiyi 1 saat araynan tc yardim heyetine yolladik !!! kibrisliya 6 ay sonra gel cok talep var denildi !!! tc kokenliye 20,milyar 3 gun sonra verildi !!! YORUM SIZIN ! INANMAYAN 2 GISI GOYUP tc YARDIM HEYETINE YOLLAYIP ACI GERCEGI GOREBILIR.

Basic translation: In front of Önders Supermarket, there is a RoT Aid organisation. They are calling for those that need aid of 20 milyar ((a multiple of millions)) can apply to receive it. Our sources say that this money is ONLY for those of Turkish (Rot) origin. This money is for building and the repair of homes. We said this was a crime and shows racism. To test this, we sent to the organisation, one TC and one Turk. The TC was told, "come back in six months time", "the quota is now full". Then we sent in the RoT citizen, who by the end of the day received his 20 Millyar funds. The monetary unit is confusing as figures are sometimes refer to the old currency values. The term 'milyar' is like the American Billion and the British one. İ believe they are different,

Jerry, make from this what you will. Turkey is screwing the TC everywhich way. :twisted: the last sentence says, 'if you do not believe this carry out your own test, send two people of your choice'.
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby Jerry » Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:40 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Jerry wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:what people like Sotos forget was that it was CYPRIOTS both Kypreos and Kibrisi who in the early years of the Republic fought for its destruction, seeking either Enosis or Takism , who were thus the first to violate the treaties. This resulting in (a) the events of 1963 and the first really evil A Plan, the Acritas Plan, (probably written by Papa dope), with the first de facto partition og the Island. There was then inexorable progress to the events of 1974, when certain Cypriots, backed by another of the guarantor powers, Greece, realy sh*tted it up with the Coup, and (as was described by big Mak to the UN), Invasion by Greece. as it gave the Turks the excuse they had been looking for since 1955 to invade.

(Probably from 1955 onwards Enosis was a non starter).

Or would you have prefered that in 1974 Britain took on the coupists and the Greeks, alongside Turkey?

The natives may have fought for the island's destruction Stud but they were poked with big sticks by other interested parties.

PS When I saw you had posted I thought/hoped that you were going to report that you had sent dozens of messages to those mentioned in my first post. :)

Hi Jerry. The following is from Facebook.

Cyprus- Cypriots Kisacasi olay su:
Lefkosada Onder alisveris merkezinin garsisinda tc yardim heyeti varmis!
isdeyenlerin 20 milyar yardim icin basvurmasi icin cagrida bulunmuslar, yardim sebebi ev yapma tamir etme. bunu ogrendigimiz kaynak bize dediki bu sadece tc kokenlilere verilen bir paradir !!! dedik`ki bu irkciliga ayrimciliga ve bizi yok etmeye = bir olaydir ve suctur ! gonusdugumuz arkadas guldu... noldu dedik...dedi guldurmeyin beni polis uzman asker alinirken bu memlekette tc vatandasligina gore alinmazmi ? ve kimsenin sesi cikmaz !!!dedik dogru :( her neysa tc yardim heyetindeki olayi ogrenmek icin 1 kibrisli 1 da tc kokenli 2 kisiyi 1 saat araynan tc yardim heyetine yolladik !!! kibrisliya 6 ay sonra gel cok talep var denildi !!! tc kokenliye 20,milyar 3 gun sonra verildi !!! YORUM SIZIN ! INANMAYAN 2 GISI GOYUP tc YARDIM HEYETINE YOLLAYIP ACI GERCEGI GOREBILIR.

Basic translation: In front of Önders Supermarket, there is a RoT Aid organisation. They are calling for those that need aid of 20 milyar ((a multiple of millions)) can apply to receive it. Our sources say that this money is ONLY for those of Turkish (Rot) origin. This money is for building and the repair of homes. We said this was a crime and shows racism. To test this, we sent to the organisation, one TC and one Turk. The TC was told, "come back in six months time", "the quota is now full". Then we sent in the RoT citizen, who by the end of the day received his 20 Millyar funds. The monetary unit is confusing as figures are sometimes refer to the old currency values. The term 'milyar' is like the American Billion and the British one. İ believe they are different,

Jerry, make from this what you will. Turkey is screwing the TC everywhich way. :twisted: the last sentence says, 'if you do not believe this carry out your own test, send two people of your choice'.
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person

Thanks Deniz, where is the supermarket and how much, roughly, is the grant in £££s?

Got another reply, from Dep Prime minister. I'll post it later.
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:50 pm

I will try and get the info from Cyprus Jerry.
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby Jerry » Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:24 pm

Got this from one of Deputy PM's underlings. It looks like the pinkies are sitting on the fence as usual and passing the buck to the Tories. Still, by my reckoning the Foreign Office will have received four of my letters passed on from others that I wrote to. I hope they all land on David Lidington's desk before he leaves for Cyprus. Has anyone else written to Lidington?
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Re: Letter concernig illegal colonisation of Cyprus

Postby Jerry » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:52 am

I have just received this reply from David Lidington (via my MP). It seems that he is aware of the issue of Turkish settlers; a few more letters to him before he visits Cyprus may persuade him to ask Turkey why it is deliberately doing things in Cyprus that make a fair settlement almost impossible.

Here is his address: -

David Lidington
Minister for Europe
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH
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