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Venomous snakes in Cyprus

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Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby londoner » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:55 am

I have heard from a few villagers that there are more snakes around this year. This got me thinking, we don't know what snakes there are in Cyprus, how to avoid snake bites and what to do if we are ever bitten, so what follows is the result of some research. ... t-not.html
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby Svetlana » Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:02 am

I see many whip snakes; you will see them slithering acroiss the road in a sideways manner; as soon as they reach the grass verge they accelerate away. I found an adder in my garden;; I tried to catch it with a fishing net so that I could remove it to an adjacent field. Although quite tiny, it reared up and hissed loudly - a brave little fellow :-)
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:34 pm

Came across one of those whip snakes in CY a few years ago. Disturbed it in a shed.

Ugly black thing, not very big, standing on its tail guess ready to pounce... didn't hang around, i legged it... :oops:
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:10 pm

I have seen a number odf snakes while out and about - I nearly stepped on a long black whip snake that flashed across a path in front of me, which was a tad disconcerting, but the scaiest was when I encountered one while cutting through a tunnel under the highway near Governors beach - not sure if it was viper - had brownish markings on it- but it sort of reared up and hissed at me in a threatening sort of way - like Bill C I hissed-off sharpish.
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby Jerry » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:14 pm

Apparently one of them has been in hospital for a couple of weeks now suffering from a stroke, I'm not sure why anyone would want to stroke such a dangerous creature.
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:03 pm

Jerry wrote:Apparently one of them has been in hospital for a couple of weeks now suffering from a stroke, I'm not sure why anyone would want to stroke such a dangerous creature.

i can assure you neither were fat and bald, and in any event it was more than a few weeks ago.
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby Mikiko » Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:23 pm

They say that the black snake Therko is very useful when you have a garden and its not poisonous . One of my grandmothers used to feed a black snake with milk . She used to place little milk on a plate in veranda and shouting Mavriiii ( Black snake ) to come and drink the milk and the snake was coming once every day to drink the milk as it was very useful in the garden killing mouses etc. Unless you dont attack the snake then it will never attack . Personally I have never seen a real snake only some shadows behind old trees as most of my life was spent in cities . Most of the most poisonous snakes I have dealt with were humans.
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:08 pm

Is it edible if you remove the venom?
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:42 pm

kurupetos wrote:Is it edible if you remove the venom?

In some areas of the US of flipin A they do eat Rattle-snake. Once the head or the poison sac is removed, wheres the problem? You should try it. :D
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Re: Venomous snakes in Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:44 pm

kurupetos wrote:Is it edible if you remove the venom?

How to Cook Snake
By an eHow Contributor

Snake was a main staple on the table of early settlers. When cooked correctly, snake is quite flavorful and appetizing. So if you are adventurous and want to taste something a little out of the ordinary, here are some suggestions on how to cook snake.

Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need

Sharp knife
Medium skillet
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup flour

1 Skin the snake prior to cutting into pieces. First, cut the head off with a sharp knife. Then, using the same knife, slit the skin down the body of the snake 5 inches. Grab hold of the slit skin in one hand and the meat underneath in the other and pull the skin downward and away from the meat.
2 Cut the meat into small serving size filets using the sharp knife. Rinse the filets under cold water and pat dry.
3 Pour a 1/2 cup of vegetable oil in a medium skillet and heat over a medium flame. Sprinkle salt and pepper generously on the filets. Dip the filets in buttermilk and then dredge in flour.
4 Add the filets to the oil in the skillet and cook for 4 to 6 minutes on each side. Filets should be golden brown in color.

Tips & Warnings

Snake meat gets most of its flavor from the way it is spiced and prepared. Cooking methods used for chicken will produce snake that tastes like chicken.

Avoid eating the head of snake, as this is where the venom is located if the snake happens to be of a poisonous variety. The body of a snake does not contain venom and is safe for consumption.

Some people reckon to lightly boil snake in a mixture of lemon jice and water to help it separate from the bones, before cooking in the main dish.
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