Pyrpolizer wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Thank you, you have proved my point about how much power the federal structure will have over the states which you handed to the GCs on a plate. I rest my case.
It is becoming clearer and clearer from your posts that you are a taksimist, albeit slightly differentiated from the classic ones, in the sense that you would accept something near the classic partition.
Something like a very very lose confederation where there will be almost no relation between the confederal states, other than perhaps their common joining to the EU. You are not going to get such a thing. Not even if the lose confederal states were to be 18-82%. The best you can get is near TRUE FEDERATION, and because of the difficulty to reduce the area under Kibrisli administration far away from the present percentages you will get something about 25%. The Kypreos will not accept anything than equal rights (for both the Kypreos and the Kibrislis) on 100% of the area of Cyprus.
So make up your mind. Either stop rejecting everything we say in this forum regarding TRUE federations, or become a classic taksimist like your old friends Eric Dayi, and Zan so that we know what the hell you are upto.
"True Federation" is such a sweeping term has we have seen both sides have differing views on what it means and how it should be applied.....please explain to us what it means to you and how you see the TC role within your "True Federation".
Let's start from the basics. A true Fedration is when the Central Bank, matters of foreign affairs,, national security, natural resources, airspace and sea space, Nations Presidency, just to name a few belong exclusively to the Central Government.
From there and beyond the Federal States have local administration on all other matters like Police, education, Tax collection,Parliament etc but most of these are ALSO duplicated at Federal Level too, like we may have Federal Police, and Federal Parliament. In TRUE federation the laws of the Federal Government have higher hierarchy than the laws of the Fed States.
And of course because we are in the EU the laws of the EU are on top of everything![]()
On people's level each citizen should has exactly the same rights and obligations as the other citizens of the particular state.The only difficulty for a BBF is that to maintain the bi-communality, the Kypreos living in the Kibrisli state should only cast their votes in their own Fed state.
There is no distinctive role of the Kibrislis or the Kypreos on a TRUE federation other than political equality at Federal level, which means an effective say for the Kibrisli Fed state, and running their local affairs by themselves.
What you have actually seen is not both sides having different views on what a true Federation is. What you 've seen is ONE side trying to pass a lose Confederation.... which is a totally different thing!!!
Ill ask the same question of you as well who can change the federal laws?