One thing always will have fond memories of here in London in the '60s, and that's our trips to the countryside and coast on Sundays in those long Summer Days of childhood.
Like almost all lived in central London, at a time when things such as home ownership in the plusher and greener suburbs and middle-class careers for a new immigrant community were aspirations that were a long way off.
...and those trips were soooo special and always looked forward to with anticipation and excitement... with their early starts to avoid the Sunday rush for the coast in a pre-motorway age, and the promise of a paddle in the cold, grey seas of England's south coast, perhaps with a stop at a Little Chef on the way down... and if we were lucky an ice cream and candy-floss and delight of delights, an hour or so on the penny slots in the amusement arcades on the piers and proms.
As was the custom, lunch on a shingle beach would be a cold assortment of bread, boiled eggs and potatoes, koftes, goubebia, grilled chicken or pork, various salad stuffs and we always remembered the salt shaker... and inevitably a late uncle or late grandfather would have found room for a batiha in the car.
Wherever we went and it would have been all over the English south coast, and some of you will have gone to the same places...to places like Brighton, Hastings, Eastbourne etc etc, there was always time to pick wild fruit and veg from the hedgerows and cliffs... things like mallow, cob-nuts, sea spinach (kale?) to bring home. Think sometimes there must be something in the CY genes that makes CYs natural foragers for nature's bounty.
Anyone else to share similar experiences???