Pyrpolizer wrote:bill cobbett wrote:ooooh's very bright and fresh in here... very pastel blue ... def a feminine touch...; the new logo, dunno beloved Admin... it's a bit weak to my eyes... and yes as Ray says... avatars on the right????!!!!!
... and see we have a few new rules inc. this one...
Do not copy-paste large amounts of text from other websites - Quote the relevant part(s) and write something on your own about the topic.
... which must agree with... always nice to see a few sentences of original CF thought to add to a quoted passage with suitable citation.
Avatars on the right is a bad idea.It's like reading Arabic

I agree. It would be better to have the Avatars back on the left, which one can recognize right away who the author of the post is. It is distracting, it being on the right side. Having said that, the new format is growing on me, so well done to the Admin and their new vision for the Cyprus Forum.