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KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby CBBB » Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:38 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:I can't be anythink like CBBB - I bought this 8 pack about two weeks ago and still have four left!

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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:20 pm

CBBB wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I can't be anythink like CBBB - I bought this 8 pack about two weeks ago and still have four left!


Indeed :!:
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:33 pm

kurupetos wrote:
CBBB wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I can't be anythink like CBBB - I bought this 8 pack about two weeks ago and still have four left!


Indeed :!:

K! Personally I think very liitle you write is important.

Tomorrow there will still be four cans of Keo in my Fridge, as (excellent though keo is, as a lager,) I am going to enjoy something which (IMHO) is far better, namely some Marston's Pedigree.

Someone once said that you have to be sorry for those who dont drink, as when they wake up they know that is the best they will be all day: however I don't subscribe to that view: I will enjoy my beer and wake up with a clear head, to enjoy all of the day. SThat is so much better than those pathetic individuals who will spend the morning wishing they were dead, because they over did it the night before, and the night before, and the night before, and the night before....
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:44 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
CBBB wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I can't be anythink like CBBB - I bought this 8 pack about two weeks ago and still have four left!


Indeed :!:

K! Personally I think very liitle you write is important.

Tomorrow there will still be four cans of Keo in my Fridge, as (excellent though keo is, as a lager,) I am going to enjoy something which (IMHO) is far better, namely some Marston's Pedigree.

Someone once said that you have to be sorry for those who dont drink, as when they wake up they know that is the best they will be all day: however I don't subscribe to that view: I will enjoy my beer and wake up with a clear head, to enjoy all of the day. SThat is so much better than those pathetic individuals who will spend the morning wishing they were dead, because they over did it the night before, and the night before, and the night before, and the night before....

Marstons Pedigree... an okish pint, but a second choice for moi, a session beer but a little too hoppy and lacking in my preferred malty flavour to my taste and imho.
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:56 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Marstons Pedigree... an okish pint, but a second choice for moi, a session beer but a little too hoppy and lacking in my preferred malty flavour to my taste and imho.

Here in Cyprus we get little choice - Perhaps 5 or 6 British beers in the local Carrefour. What by the way is your favorite?
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:08 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Marstons Pedigree... an okish pint, but a second choice for moi, a session beer but a little too hoppy and lacking in my preferred malty flavour to my taste and imho.

Here in Cyprus we get little choice - Perhaps 5 or 6 British beers in the local Carrefour. What by the way is your favorite?

Ooooooh, thought you'd never ask... is it your round?

Top of the list must be Wadworths 6X from Wiltshire... spent much of my life drinking it... :D .... copper coloured beer of average strength but sweetish and overall maltish flavour with a hint of oranges and lemons.... and leaving a lingering and exceptionally pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Strangely found some in Carrefour in Larnaca a couple of summers ago... was most surprised.
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:18 pm

yes I know Wadsworths 6X - I can recall buying it in the Old "Party 4" type tin in the late 70's before the PET bottles became pupular. I never saw it in our local Carrefours - normally we have Boddy's, John Smith, Spitfire, Bishop's Finger, plus Caffrey's (and Guiness). Nice Beer - I'd quite happily drink it. Personally I like ringing the changes with beers to get a variety of flavours and textures. Not very easy here.
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:24 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:yes I know Wadsworths 6X - I can recall buying it in the Old "Party 4" type tin in the late 70's before the PET bottles became pupular. I never saw it in our local Carrefours - normally we have Boddy's, John Smith, Spitfire, Bishop's Finger, plus Caffrey's (and Guiness). Nice Beer - I'd quite happily drink it. Personally I like ringing the changes with beers to get a variety of flavours and textures. Not very easy here.

Am a bit of a boring old fart when it comes to ales... tried and tested 6X, or if you like northern ales and if you can find it, Timothy Taylors Landlord is a very drinkable gem of a beer.... but there is of course always a place in the fridge for Fuller's London Pride for us Londoners, seen that many times in CY.
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:55 am

Ahh now your are talking... both really lovely ales. Probbaly foor or five years since I had some "Landlord". However each time I come to London, even if it is only as a I pass through Thiefrow - It's robbery the prices they charge - I will try to get a pint of Pride. (I find ESB just a bit too much) . I also quite like Youngs, though it is not quite the same since they closed the Ram and moved to Bedford: that said Charlie Wells brewed some good beers with Bombadier and (formerlly) Fargo.
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Re: KEO staff go on strike over layoffs

Postby Bananiot » Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:23 am

Can someone translate?
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