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Cyprus Forum Book Club

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Cyprus Forum Book Club

Postby SKI-preo » Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:55 am

A book club is a reading and discussion group for people who like books and reading and want to discuss some of the themes of a book more closely. It should be fun, enlightening, stimulating and provoke discussion,
debate but generally they will disintegrate and end in violence and blood shed!

The idea is that everyone reads the same book and then argues about the same book.

The key is to take anyone’s differing point of view as a personal attack and to hold grudges. There is no right or wrong view with regard to literature. Everyone approaches a book, and responds to a book, differently.I should know I have Aspergers. Don’t be scared to say what you really think. Be terrified! I know where you park your car!

What book should be the first book of the Cyprus Forum Book Club?
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:58 am

Its good for Cypriots to be aware of others who have suffered under British Imperialist, the first book that popped into my head is Leon Uris's Trinity....
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Re: Cyprus Forum Book Club

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:35 am

SKI-preo wrote:The key is to take anyone’s differing point of view as a personal attack and to hold grudges. ...... Don’t be scared to say what you really think. Be terrified! I know where you park your car!

Why do we need a book Club? I thought that was the whole concept on how the CF operated.....:-o :-o
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