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UK wall sockets in Cyprus

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Re: Re:

Postby kurupetos » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:17 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Any credible links, or is this your usual BS?

My, It has certainly take you long enough to come up with that one....

As I suspected it's BS. :lol:
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:42 pm

If somebody is stupid enough to force a two pin plug into a three pin UK type socket, then they deserve to die. Many Chinese manufactured electrical goods do not meet European electrical standards and are banned in most of the EU, if that happens the importer will often send them to Cyprus because the standards until now have not been enforced.

The main advantage of the UK type is the fact that individual items can be fused at different ratings. The fuse not only prevents the whole circuit going down on a fault in one device but stops fire, as the fuse is also there to protect the cable to the device. A fuse if overloaded but not short circuited, can take a while to blow, if you have a fault or otherwise overload the connection where the current exceeds the rating of the cable to the device, the cable gets hot and then you could have a fire.

Cypriot electrical installations are basically crap anyway and as many Cypriots do not believe in Fire Insurance then it is better to change the plug, than rebuild the house. Your choice!
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby CBBB » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:12 pm

Robin Hood wrote:If somebody is stupid enough to force a two pin plug into a three pin UK type socket, then they deserve to die.

I know I am going to die, but I don't think it will be sticking 2-pin plugs into 3-pin sockets that will do it!
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby Sotos » Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:24 am

As to why anyone would even consider changing from probably the safest domestic power circuit outlet system, to that of an inferior system, (in more ways than one) ...really beggars belief!!!!

Is this additional safety statistically proven or is it just theoretical? If the retailers import appliances with 2 pin plugs instead of 3 this means it is cheaper for them to do it this way! And as long as the voltage is the same then whats the problem of allowing the people to choose which standard they want to use for their own house? I think both standards should be legal, and the choice should be up to each individual.
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby larnacaman » Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:43 am


Not trying to be funny here, but you have just answered your own question, ...probably without realising it!!!

Letting those without basic electrical knowledge, choose an electrical system based purely on because ''the retailers import appliances with Two pins instead of 3 pins'' is, putting it mildly ...ludicrous and dammed right dangerous!!! Sooooo, what are you going to do, if you buy an appliance that ''Does'' require a mains earth connection, a washing machine, Fridge, Oven/Hob, Toasters etc etc etc??.... 2 pin electrical socket outlets along with lighting circuits, (ie, without a CPC) were banned outright over 50 years ago for very good reasons, ....believe me, you wouldn't want to go back to those days!!!!

The UK also imports Class 2/Double insulated appliances and goods, but .....and this is the big difference, those appliances ''MUST'' be provided a appropriate plug-top fitted or it cannot go on general sale in the UK.

The problem here in Cyprus, is that the powers that be are not complying with the EU's Basic safety rules on home and imported electrical appliances. In that ALL such items MUST be supplied to the public, with the appropriate electrical plug top fitted. If it did comply, you and others here, wouldn't have any problems with imported electrical goods would you???
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby Sotos » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:32 am

Are you saying that all those countries who have the 2 pin system do not have basic electrical knowledge? I didn't say that each individual can do whatever he wants. I said that they should be able to choose between the 2 standards! And if the retailers would change the plug on each item that could solve the problem ... but it would be an additional cost that the consumer would pay. And to tell you the truth I trust much more the plug that comes factory made and sealed, rather than some person in some shop messing with the wires!
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:37 pm

there are a number of advantanges over the two pin system such as individual fuses for each item, certainty of polarity, plus the problems of easily inserting anything but a plug into the live socket hole. which is not the case with the round-pin continental system.

I do however prefer screwthread style bulbs
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby B25 » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:36 pm

larnacaman wrote:Sotos,

Not trying to be funny here, but you have just answered your own question, ...probably without realising it!!!

Letting those without basic electrical knowledge, choose an electrical system based purely on because ''the retailers import appliances with Two pins instead of 3 pins'' is, putting it mildly ...ludicrous and dammed right dangerous!!! Sooooo, what are you going to do, if you buy an appliance that ''Does'' require a mains earth connection, a washing machine, Fridge, Oven/Hob, Toasters etc etc etc??.... 2 pin electrical socket outlets along with lighting circuits, (ie, without a CPC) were banned outright over 50 years ago for very good reasons, ....believe me, you wouldn't want to go back to those days!!!!

The UK also imports Class 2/Double insulated appliances and goods, but .....and this is the big difference, those appliances ''MUST'' be provided a appropriate plug-top fitted or it cannot go on general sale in the UK.

The problem here in Cyprus, is that the powers that be are not complying with the EU's Basic safety rules on home and imported electrical appliances. In that ALL such items MUST be supplied to the public, with the appropriate electrical plug top fitted. If it did comply, you and others here, wouldn't have any problems with imported electrical goods would you???


It is down write criminal to provide products that don't have appropriate connections and expect you to go out and find adaptors. The imported products should be supplied with the correct leads at the importers cost. Simples. The law should not allow the sale of such items that do not comply.

Same with user manuals, they should have at least Greek or English instruction or be provided for.

My mobile came witha UG, in 20 different lanuages, but not Greek or English FFS.
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:17 pm

I wonder if we have a similar law, and if we do, why it's not enforced. :?

Consumer Protection legislation in both the UK[1] and Ireland[2] requires that all domestic electrical goods sold in either country should be fitted with a BS 1363 or IS 401 (as applicable) plug.
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby purdey » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:39 pm

All appliances in the UK come with three pinned plugs. Why would we change to an inferior product, our hospitals are working at maximum capacity as it is !
As I buy all my electrical goods from the UK for use in Cyprus they come user ready with three pin attatched, plus I save at least 30% on Cypriot prices and are genrally delivered in less than 8 working days.
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