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UK wall sockets in Cyprus

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Postby loadsatime » Tue May 31, 2011 4:57 pm

sock it to em baby plug me in yeah! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :twisted:
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Re: plugs

Postby CBBB » Tue May 31, 2011 5:01 pm

loadsatime wrote:sock it to em baby plug me in yeah! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :twisted:

Using an expression like that, you must be a real old git!
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 31, 2011 6:51 pm

Sotos wrote:They are safer until you have people trying to force 2 pin plugs into 3-pin sockets. When most of the devices in the market are 2 pin any advantages from the 3-pin sockets are negated!!

Is putting the wrong plug in the right socket any better than the the issue of someone whose Plug fits' both sockets, or are now down to debating about these AC/DC types..? :-)
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Postby CBBB » Tue May 31, 2011 9:39 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Sotos wrote:They are safer until you have people trying to force 2 pin plugs into 3-pin sockets. When most of the devices in the market are 2 pin any advantages from the 3-pin sockets are negated!!

Is putting the wrong plug in the right socket any better than the the issue of someone whose Plug fits' both sockets, or are now down to debating about these AC/DC types..? :-)

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Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:34 am

bill cobbett wrote:Kyriaillaison... you'll have us driving on the wrong side of the road next... like wot they do in CY.

Sotos wrote:If you have an existing house then you can continue using the adapters. But why should new homes continue the same way? Why should I build my house with UK kind of sockets when almost everything sold here comes with a European plug??

I would also suggest that anyone with a new car starts driving on the RIGHT side of the road. Eventually, everyone would change :lol:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:28 am

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:I would also suggest that anyone with a new car starts driving on the RIGHT side of the road. Eventually, everyone would change :lol:

The Government already has a plan for chaing sides: it will be done in stages over a period of 6 months:

For the first two months the trucks will start driving on the right, after that the buses will join them, then at month four the Taxis and finally at Month six the private cars.

The changes will not affect motorcycles which will drive on whatever side of the road they like, as they do now.
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby larnacaman » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:46 pm

To add a little more to this subject....

The German SUCKO 2 pin plug tops Do carry an earth connection, via side scrapping earth connections. The down side to these type of plug tops and the receptacles they plug into, ...they are NOT polarized. Meaning that you can plug the plug top into the wall receptacle either way round. This system requires, that the receptacle circuits are supplied by double pole circuit breakers (MCBs/RCBOs) which they are not in Cyprus. ''Remember'' ....those German plug tops are not polarized, so any switch on the appliance may not be switching the live, but the neutral conductor when these adaptors are used!!!

Actually, the EU rules states quite clearly, that any electrical appliance sold within the EU, ...Must be supplied with a fitted appropriate plug top suitable for that countries electrical system. Adaptors and the like, do ''NOT'' conform to that ruling!! This is just the Cyprus authorities being lax, or just sitting on the fence or maybe as usual, there is money changing hands. ...You will NOT see anything similar in mainland EUROPE, every appliance will come with an appropriate plug top pre fitted, and not an adaptor in sight!!!.... In fact when you purchase a new appliance, insist that any non-standard plug top fitted, be replaced with a standard plug top. You'll maybe surprised, that most if not all electrical goods retailers will conform with your request, as they know they are on the wrong side of the law. So if you have any of these appliances at home with adaptors, ....bin them and fit a standard 13A plug top!!!

As to why anyone would even consider changing from probably the safest domestic power circuit outlet system, to that of an inferior system, (in more ways than one) ...really beggars belief!!!!
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Re: UK wall sockets in Cyprus

Postby larnacaman » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:40 pm

In reply to some of the previous comments made on this thread....

Double insulated or class 2 appliances are ''NOT'' Fatal, and can in some circumstances, be safer to use than earthed appliances!!! There construction is such, that it is nigh impossible for live conductors to come into contact with metallic components and casings of the appliance, ....Wet or otherwise!!!! Some have mentioned about the number of Chinese electrical equipment and appliances that's now available here in Cyprus. Down to your government again i'm afraid, all i can say is, that most of the main European countries have ''Set EU Standards'' that such items MUST conform too, or there not allowed to be sold in that country. The same EU standards are there for Cyprus too, but they don't seem to give a monkeys about the safety of it's citizens, and allow anything in !!!

Most electrical appliances of any substance are Class 1 (earthed appliances) It's just that the earth connection is not recognised by many here, as it's made by 2 scraping earth contact on the side of the plug tops. ....Normal exceptions to earthed equipment would be things like TVs and other IT type appliances...

There is no standard European power plug system in force at this time, for a very good reason, every country has it's own wiring regulations and standards, few of them comply with any other countries system. It was tried a fair time back, and even a new standard receptacle design put forward. Alas nothing came of it as no-one was prepared to give away there present system, especially UK!!! It's funny how UK has bowed to many of the EU's electrical harmonisation standards but rarely if ever have the EU adopted the UK's often safer standards!!!
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Postby kurupetos » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:02 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
CrookedRiverGuy wrote:I would also suggest that anyone with a new car starts driving on the RIGHT side of the road. Eventually, everyone would change :lol:

The Government already has a plan for chaing sides: it will be done in stages over a period of 6 months:

For the first two months the trucks will start driving on the right, after that the buses will join them, then at month four the Taxis and finally at Month six the private cars.

The changes will not affect motorcycles which will drive on whatever side of the road they like, as they do now.

Any credible links, or is this your usual BS?
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Re: Re:

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:13 pm

kurupetos wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Any credible links, or is this your usual BS?

My, It has certainly take you long enough to come up with that one....
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