Sotos wrote:They are safer until you have people trying to force 2 pin plugs into 3-pin sockets. When most of the devices in the market are 2 pin any advantages from the 3-pin sockets are negated!!
supporttheunderdog wrote:Sotos wrote:They are safer until you have people trying to force 2 pin plugs into 3-pin sockets. When most of the devices in the market are 2 pin any advantages from the 3-pin sockets are negated!!
Is putting the wrong plug in the right socket any better than the the issue of someone whose Plug fits' both sockets, or are now down to debating about these AC/DC types..?
bill cobbett wrote:Kyriaillaison... you'll have us driving on the wrong side of the road next... like wot they do in CY.
Sotos wrote:If you have an existing house then you can continue using the adapters. But why should new homes continue the same way? Why should I build my house with UK kind of sockets when almost everything sold here comes with a European plug??
CrookedRiverGuy wrote:I would also suggest that anyone with a new car starts driving on the RIGHT side of the road. Eventually, everyone would change
supporttheunderdog wrote:CrookedRiverGuy wrote:I would also suggest that anyone with a new car starts driving on the RIGHT side of the road. Eventually, everyone would change
The Government already has a plan for chaing sides: it will be done in stages over a period of 6 months:
For the first two months the trucks will start driving on the right, after that the buses will join them, then at month four the Taxis and finally at Month six the private cars.
The changes will not affect motorcycles which will drive on whatever side of the road they like, as they do now.
kurupetos wrote:supporttheunderdog wrote:Any credible links, or is this your usual BS?
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