I would respectfully suggest that the 'Innocent Civilians' invariably suffer the consequences of the actions of both their Military and Political representatives, regardless of whichever nation they are subjects of.
We (of the West) are almost daily informed of the dangers of 'Terrorist Activity' and cautioned to be on our guard at all times, our leaders continually advise us that their intention is to win 'The Hearts and Minds' of the very civilian populations that they daily rain death and destruction upon.
The fact that the weaponry of the West is far superior to those who oppose them, does little to enhance the claims that 'Heroic Actions' are taking place when the reality is indicative of 'Bullying'.
One could be forgiven for suggesting that the 'Third Reich' was seeking to win 'The Hearts and Minds' of the people back in the days when the weaponry was greatly inferior to that which is available today.
Perhaps the objectives WERE the same, those who lived during that period would have also been subjected to the same Political and Military misguidance (even less possibly) than we of the West are subjected to these days.
If there be any 'Heroics' between combatants, my money would always be with the side which stands up for it's rights against an aggressor, I cannot see much valour in attacking poorly armed villagers with modern 'Super Weapons', particularly when they are in the hands of 'Hooligans'.
Which brings me back to my original comment and the unfortunate comparison to 'The Premier League'