Morphitisa wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Morphitisa wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Mikiko wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Mikiko wrote:Morphitisses girls from Morphou are in demand so many replies here! No one wants Lefkosiatisses ?
Nah ... they're too stuck up and too expensive to maintain... stick to Fords and we prefer down to earth girls from the villages.
I dont blame you as they (lefkosiatisses) think they are a rare chinese silk
Quite right M,.... now where has the new member from Morphou gone??
I'M still here, just hadn't come by in a few days, that's all. You guys don't seem busy enough to post straight away, other side of the world maybe?
We're from all over the planet... a few in CY from both sides of the cease-fire line, lots here in England, a couple from North America and quite a few from OZ... but as you'll find out except for moi, they are all very dodgy and unreliable,... especially that GR.
Someone else is online!
Cool. Glad to know they are spread out. You the normal one then are you? Heheh, Ok!
Erm.... oh yes, def am very normal, the medication am on is really working well, thanks for asking ...and all the rest of CF are very scammy and not to be trusted ...