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Postby bill cobbett » Fri May 27, 2011 6:01 pm

Mikiko wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Mikiko wrote:Morphitisses girls from Morphou are in demand so many replies here! No one wants Lefkosiatisses ?

Nah ... they're too stuck up and too expensive to maintain... stick to Fords and we prefer down to earth girls from the villages.

I dont blame you as they (lefkosiatisses) think they are a rare chinese silk 8)

Quite right M,.... now where has the new member from Morphou gone??
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri May 27, 2011 6:07 pm


Found On Rubbish Dump
Fix Or Repair Daily
Fails On Rainy Days
Fails On Race Day
Found On Roadside Dead
Failure Of Research & Development
Found On Road Deserted
Fast Only Running Downhill
Factory Ordered Road Disaster
Factory Ordered Rebuilt Datsun
Flip Over Read Directions
Four Old Rusted Doors
Ford Owner Really Dumb
For Only Retarded Drivers
Ford Owners Recommend Daihatsu
Flipped Over Russian Dunebuggy
For Off Road Death
Fords Only Run Downhill
Fat Old Rusted Dog
Freaking Old Rusted Datsun
Forget Out Running Datsuns
For Old Retarded Drivers -


Mad Oral Rectum Pirate Hitting on Uranus
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri May 27, 2011 6:44 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Mikiko wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Mikiko wrote:Morphitisses girls from Morphou are in demand so many replies here! No one wants Lefkosiatisses ?

Nah ... they're too stuck up and too expensive to maintain... stick to Fords and we prefer down to earth girls from the villages.

I dont blame you as they (lefkosiatisses) think they are a rare chinese silk 8)

Quite right M,.... now where has the new member from Morphou gone??

Being chased by GR.. :x
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Postby SKI-preo » Sat May 28, 2011 5:35 am


Ford Owners Require Donkeys
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Postby DANGAMAN » Sat May 28, 2011 8:03 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Sotos wrote:
SKI-preo wrote:Aftokiniton Ford & Gynekan pout thn mourphou...

Thats an old saying ;) It means "never buy a ford car and never marry a woman from Morfou" :shock: Well ... maybe the saying is not that old ... when were Ford cars first imported to Cyprus?

My uncle, now deceased told us a story about the first car in Cyprus.
He was born in 1908. He recals when his father (my grandfather) took him up to the main road(Larnaca - Limasol). The asphalt roads then were called 'iron road' for some reason. Perhaps they shined like metal in the sun. Somehow people were made aware of the fact that an 'aftokinito' the first one was to travel from Larnaca to Limasol. They waited at the post station for two hours and saw their first ever car. He was still in his fathers arm, so I reckon he was about three or four years old. He remembers that everyone was very excited. The driver saw the gathered crowd, sounded its horn and chuffed along the road towards Limassol without stopping. Was 1912 the first time a car was driven in Cyprus? Any other witness accounts?

I was told it was crashed after a few days by his wife....
One car and she managed to crash it....

Goes to say "WOMEN DRIVERS"

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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 29, 2011 2:36 am

Morphitisa wrote:Thankyou repulsewarrior. You must be american, sophomores...?
I just mean cypriot by Chip. Like cyp but cuter, haha. What brought you here? How do I post here...shuld I pm people or just post back to the thread?

..thanks M.

Chips; i like that.

sophomore, like college kids with big words, but comments of little value.

what interested you in becoming a member?
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Postby bill cobbett » Sun May 29, 2011 5:32 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Sotos wrote:
SKI-preo wrote:Aftokiniton Ford & Gynekan pout thn mourphou...

Thats an old saying ;) It means "never buy a ford car and never marry a woman from Morfou" :shock: Well ... maybe the saying is not that old ... when were Ford cars first imported to Cyprus?

My uncle, now deceased told us a story about the first car in Cyprus.
He was born in 1908. He recals when his father (my grandfather) took him up to the main road(Larnaca - Limasol). The asphalt roads then were called 'iron road' for some reason. Perhaps they shined like metal in the sun. Somehow people were made aware of the fact that an 'aftokinito' the first one was to travel from Larnaca to Limasol. They waited at the post station for two hours and saw their first ever car. He was still in his fathers arm, so I reckon he was about three or four years old. He remembers that everyone was very excited. The driver saw the gathered crowd, sounded its horn and chuffed along the road towards Limassol without stopping. Was 1912 the first time a car was driven in Cyprus? Any other witness accounts?

At a guess, the term "iron road" may be based on the GB English phrase of "metalled road", which appears on such as OS maps to indicate a road with a solid surface of asphalt, cobblestones, setts or concrete as opposed to a homothromo/dirt track.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun May 29, 2011 5:38 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Sotos wrote:
SKI-preo wrote:Aftokiniton Ford & Gynekan pout thn mourphou...

Thats an old saying ;) It means "never buy a ford car and never marry a woman from Morfou" :shock: Well ... maybe the saying is not that old ... when were Ford cars first imported to Cyprus?

My uncle, now deceased told us a story about the first car in Cyprus.
He was born in 1908. He recals when his father (my grandfather) took him up to the main road(Larnaca - Limasol). The asphalt roads then were called 'iron road' for some reason. Perhaps they shined like metal in the sun. Somehow people were made aware of the fact that an 'aftokinito' the first one was to travel from Larnaca to Limasol. They waited at the post station for two hours and saw their first ever car. He was still in his fathers arm, so I reckon he was about three or four years old. He remembers that
everyone was very excited. The driver saw the gathered crowd, sounded its horn and chuffed along the road towards Limassol without stopping. Was 1912 the first time a car was driven in Cyprus? Any other witness accounts?

At a guess, the term "iron road" may be based on the GB English phrase of
"metalled road", which appears on such as OS maps to indicate a road with a solid surface of asphalt, cobblestones, setts or concrete as opposed to a homothromo/dirt track.

Correct. My grandmother always called the main road,'demur yolu'/the road made of iron. Odd, in it. One wonders what the RR was called, had she ever seen it. :?
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Postby kurupetos » Sun May 29, 2011 5:38 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Mikiko wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Mikiko wrote:Morphitisses girls from Morphou are in demand so many replies here! No one wants Lefkosiatisses ?

Nah ... they're too stuck up and too expensive to maintain... stick to Fords and we prefer down to earth girls from the villages.

I dont blame you as they (lefkosiatisses) think they are a rare chinese silk 8)

Quite right M,.... now where has the new member from Morphou gone??

Being chased by GR.. :x

Is GR a man? I thought he was a gori. :? :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun May 29, 2011 5:41 pm

kurupetos wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Mikiko wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Mikiko wrote:Morphitisses girls from Morphou are in demand so many replies here! No one wants Lefkosiatisses ?

Nah ... they're too stuck up and too expensive to maintain... stick to Fords and we prefer down to earth girls from the villages.

I dont blame you as they (lefkosiatisses) think they are a rare chinese silk 8)

Quite right M,.... now where has the new member from Morphou gone??

Being chased by GR.. :x

Is GR a man? I thought he was a gori. :? :lol:

He is a pallikaria twice your size so watch it.
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