by voyou » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:24 pm
ok, now plase don't think me too pessimistic, but really... why would anyone get married?
It's a (mainly) religious cermony, which lots of people are not.
It's just a peice of paper which can be undone (and over 50% of the time it is).
It means that both parties can stop trying and just be together because they have signed a piece of paper.
It costs thousands of pounds, which I would rather spend on a property or travelling.
On top of all that, I really do not need a piece of paper or a great big ceremony to tell my partner that I love her (or him if that's your thing), so please someone tell me why we persist with this outdated thing called marriage?
Now as I said, I am not a pessimist, far from it. I love my partner, but we are happy because we know we love each other, and a piece of paper and a ceremony for all our family and friends (it would be for them more than the couple) is just not needed. We can (and may even have) a party for those people who are obsessed with marriage, but as for me and my partner, we are happy without the bleep that is marriage.
yes yes I know.. it is only my opinion.. I do not raise the point to put a dampener on business plans, I only make my point to raise awareness that marriage is maybe getting less important in the modern world?
ok.. If you are gettng married soon.. have a great day! You should if it costs you about 10 20 or 30 grand!! I guarantee that it will have lots of problems (I say this having been a mobile DJ for many years and having 5 sisters... )
Maybe I am a pessimist!! Any alternate views?