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Destroyers of Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby insan » Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:45 pm

Today we all know that Makarios signed the 60s treaties under pressure of foreign powers.

Was he also an Enosist and underpressure of extreme wing of Enosists?

Were TCs against Enosis since 1931 and their representatives declared it at Kavanin Assembly?

What I'm trying to point out:

TCs were always against Enosis. They would resist against Enosis either taking side by Brits or calling Turkey to help them. Right? Sooner or later Turkey would involve with the issue nevertheless her allies too ...

This means either Brits or any other foreign powers were in Cyprus or not TCs wouldn't submit to Enosis against all odds..

Where things had gone wrong afterwards 1960:

1- The TCs had been given more rights then their population proportion and this was unacceptable for GCs.

2- Even if the TCs had been given proportional rights fairly, it was clear that extreme Enosists and Taksimists would continue to use, abuse every opportunity in order to achieve their goals...

Conclusion: Cyprus problem had been created by both communities extremists(official and unofficial) and backed by their national extremists powers(official and unofficial).

Extreme rightists got support of US and Britain because of their anti-communist actions. They didn't much interfer and stop those Enosists and Taksimists because their anti-communist stance was serving westernblocks interests.

Were those Enosists and Taksimists also aware of that they were serving westernblocks interests over Cyprus.

Of coarse... they were also pro-western beside their so-called nationalism. Actually they were a bunch of self-seeker; so-called nationalists. Nationalism was their strongest tool to delude ordinary Cypriots in direction of their self-interests...

All of the onwards actions of those self-seeker, so-called nationalists have well revealed us the naked truths...
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