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downer on proceedings: "trnc" recognition NEVER!

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downer on proceedings: "trnc" recognition NEVER!

Postby ZoC » Tue May 17, 2011 6:01 pm

Downer: No Cyprus Problem Solution – No EU for Turkey

The Special Adviser on Cyprus for the UN’s Secretary General, Alexander Downer has made clear in an interview he gave yesterday for the Turkish Cypriot newspaper ‘Yeni Duzen’ that as long as the Cyprus problem remains there is no hope for Turkey becoming a member of the European Union, also stated that in case of a solution he can guarantee Turkey’s EU membership. Moreover he stated that the so called ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ will never be recognised and when asked if it will be recognised in case the talks fail and Greek Cypriot’s are to blame he explained that this will not possibly to happen. ... or-turkey/

please can a 'good cypriot' like halil (or anyone) confirm this "yeni duzen" report.
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Re: downer on proceedings: "trnc" recognition NEVE

Postby halil » Tue May 17, 2011 6:33 pm

ZoC wrote:Downer: No Cyprus Problem Solution – No EU for Turkey

The Special Adviser on Cyprus for the UN’s Secretary General, Alexander Downer has made clear in an interview he gave yesterday for the Turkish Cypriot newspaper ‘Yeni Duzen’ that as long as the Cyprus problem remains there is no hope for Turkey becoming a member of the European Union, also stated that in case of a solution he can guarantee Turkey’s EU membership. Moreover he stated that the so called ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ will never be recognised and when asked if it will be recognised in case the talks fail and Greek Cypriot’s are to blame he explained that this will not possibly to happen. ... or-turkey/

please can a 'good cypriot' like halil (or anyone) confirm this "yeni duzen" report.

Yes there is a interview with downer here is the link

some head lines from the interview

ÇÖZÜM OLMAZSA TÜRKİYE AB’YE ASLA ÜYE OLAMAZ “… If there is no solution Turkey will not EU member.

BM TARAFLARDAN PLAN BEKLİYOR “… UN waiting a plan from both sides.

TEMMUZ GÖRÜŞMESİ ÖNEMLİ ....July meeting is important.

TEK SEÇENEK FEDERAL ÇÖZÜM............ there is only one option FEDERAL SOLUTION.


DÜNYANIN SORUNLARINA SAYGI...........respect to world problems.

KKTC TANINMAZ............TRNC is not recognized




Türkiye Teşvik edilmeli............ Turkey should encourage

When i will have more time i will try to translate ..... May be Insan gardash u can do it....... it is very interesting interview.
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Postby ZoC » Tue May 17, 2011 6:41 pm

thanx, halil.
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Re: downer on proceedings: "trnc" recognition NEVE

Postby Kikapu » Tue May 17, 2011 6:43 pm

ZoC wrote:Downer: No Cyprus Problem Solution – No EU for Turkey

The Special Adviser on Cyprus for the UN’s Secretary General, Alexander Downer has made clear in an interview he gave yesterday for the Turkish Cypriot newspaper ‘Yeni Duzen’ that as long as the Cyprus problem remains there is no hope for Turkey becoming a member of the European Union, also stated that in case of a solution he can guarantee Turkey’s EU membership. Moreover he stated that the so called ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ will never be recognised and when asked if it will be recognised in case the talks fail and Greek Cypriot’s are to blame he explained that this will not possibly to happen. ... or-turkey/

please can a 'good cypriot' like halil (or anyone) confirm this "yeni duzen" report.

Everyone knew that, even an idiot, except perhaps for the NeoPartitionist idiots.! :lol:
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Postby halil » Tue May 17, 2011 6:55 pm


Kıbrıs sorunu ile ilgili yıllardır üzerinde en fazla tartışılan ve son dönemlerde yeninden gündeme taşınmaya çalışılan senaryolarla ilgili de görüşlerini soruyorum Downer’a. “Müzakereler Kıbrıs Rum tarafının uzlaşmazlığı nedeniyle çökerse, KKTC tanınır mı?”

“Sanırım bunu bana değil Birleşmiş Milletler üyelerine sormak gerekiyor. Kısa sürede, bunun (KKTC’nin tanınmasının) gerçekleşmesinin oldukça zor olduğu görülüyor. Bunu tahmin etmek de oldukça zor. Ama her şeyin kötü ya da yanlış gideceği üzerine odaklanmayalım, başarmak için neler yapabileceğimiz üzerine odaklanalım. Kıbrıslı Rumlarla bir federasyon kuracak anlaşma Kıbrıslı Türkler’in elindedir ve tabii ki Kıbrıslı Rumlar’ın da. Bu kaybedilecek bir kenara atılabilecek seçenek değildir. Ben neler olabileceğine ilişkin spekülasyon yapmak istemiyorum. Eğer Sayın Eroğlu ve Sayın Hristofias başarısız olursa ne olacağını düşünmek yerine başarmaları durumunda ne olacağını ümit edelim.”

IF Cyprus Talks fails....Is TRNC recongnised?
I think u should ask this question to UN members not to me. In a short while recognition of TRNC looks very difficult. but we must not focus that everything will go bad or wrong . we must focus on what shall we achive.

I don't want to make speculation what will happen.....If Mr Eroglu and Mr. Hristofias fails to achieve what would happen instead of we must think what shall we do ....that they can achive.... and when they achive let hope what will happen.........

at least i tried some part of it ....i will try more.
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Re: downer on proceedings: "trnc" recognition NEVE

Postby halil » Tue May 17, 2011 6:58 pm

Kikapu wrote:
ZoC wrote:Downer: No Cyprus Problem Solution – No EU for Turkey

The Special Adviser on Cyprus for the UN’s Secretary General, Alexander Downer has made clear in an interview he gave yesterday for the Turkish Cypriot newspaper ‘Yeni Duzen’ that as long as the Cyprus problem remains there is no hope for Turkey becoming a member of the European Union, also stated that in case of a solution he can guarantee Turkey’s EU membership. Moreover he stated that the so called ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ will never be recognised and when asked if it will be recognised in case the talks fail and Greek Cypriot’s are to blame he explained that this will not possibly to happen. ... or-turkey/

please can a 'good cypriot' like halil (or anyone) confirm this "yeni duzen" report.

Everyone knew that, even an idiot, except perhaps for the NeoPartitionist idiots.! :lol:

why don't u translate us ....from the Yenidüzen link.
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Re: downer on proceedings: "trnc" recognition NEVE

Postby Kikapu » Tue May 17, 2011 7:10 pm

halil wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
ZoC wrote:Downer: No Cyprus Problem Solution – No EU for Turkey

The Special Adviser on Cyprus for the UN’s Secretary General, Alexander Downer has made clear in an interview he gave yesterday for the Turkish Cypriot newspaper ‘Yeni Duzen’ that as long as the Cyprus problem remains there is no hope for Turkey becoming a member of the European Union, also stated that in case of a solution he can guarantee Turkey’s EU membership. Moreover he stated that the so called ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ will never be recognised and when asked if it will be recognised in case the talks fail and Greek Cypriot’s are to blame he explained that this will not possibly to happen. ... or-turkey/

please can a 'good cypriot' like halil (or anyone) confirm this "yeni duzen" report.

Everyone knew that, even an idiot, except perhaps for the NeoPartitionist idiots.! :lol:

why don't u translate us ....from the Yenidüzen link.

What's the point,Halil.? Isn't what ZoC posted above in English enough.?
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Postby halil » Tue May 17, 2011 7:15 pm

Is there anybody to translate this part ....What Downer says


Tarafların farklı görüş ve hayalleri olabileceğine ancak Kıbrıs için seçeneklerin sınırlı olduğuna vurgu yapan Downer, çözüm modeli ile ilgili de açık konuşuyor.

“Biliyorsunuz, Genel Sekreter burada bir uzlaşı olması gerektiğini söyledi. Sanırım her iki tarafta da farklı düşünen insanlar var. Ancak uluslararası toplumun ilgilendiği ve burada da anlaşılması gereken önemli bir şey var. Kıbrıs’ta seçenekler sınırlı. Bazı kişiler, Kıbrıs’ı 1960’daki koşullara geri götürecek üniter bir devlet hayal edebilirler. Ancak böyle bir seçenek masada değildir ve bu gerçekleşmeyecek. İki tarafın bu konuda uzlaşması asla mümkün olmaz. Aynı şekilde bazı kişiler iki ayrı ülke de hayal edebilirler. Bu da masada değil ve gerçekleşemeyecek bir şeydir. Kıbrıs ile ilgili düşüncelerin gerçekçi olması gerekiyor. Kıbrıs, ancak iki bölgeli, iki toplumlu, eşitlik temelinde bir federasyonla yeniden birleşebilir. O yüzden gönüllü olarak bunu anlamak gerekiyor. Sanırım liderler bunu anlıyorlar. Tabii ki herkes kendi görüşünü açıklamak ve savunmakta özgürdür. Ama günün sonunda tek seçenek, iki toplumlu, iki bölgeli, politik eşitlik ve uluslararası tek kimlik temelinde kurulacak olan bir federasyondur.”

exactly what i was trying to say...... common KİKOŞ translate............
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Postby halil » Tue May 17, 2011 7:17 pm

Bazı kişiler, Kıbrıs’ı 1960’daki koşullara geri götürecek üniter bir devlet hayal edebilirler. Ancak böyle bir seçenek masada değildir ve bu gerçekleşmeyecek....................

Some people may dream of a unitary state of Cyprus will take you back to the 1960 conditions. However, such an option is not on the table and this will not occur.
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Postby ZoC » Tue May 17, 2011 7:22 pm

halil wrote:Bazı kişiler, Kıbrıs’ı 1960’daki koşullara geri götürecek üniter bir devlet hayal edebilirler. Ancak böyle bir seçenek masada değildir ve bu gerçekleşmeyecek....................

Some people may dream of a unitary state of Cyprus will take you back to the 1960 conditions. However, such an option is not on the table and this will not occur.

thank god. 1960 conditions were racist and rubbish for us good cypriots. they certainly wouldn't work in a 21st century eu context.
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