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Proposed new section for this forum

Postby SKI-preo » Fri May 13, 2011 4:34 am

Should there be a new section in the forum for Lanate poisonings?
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Postby CBBB » Fri May 13, 2011 6:21 am

...and what about ambelopoulia trapping?
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Postby Milo » Fri May 13, 2011 6:50 am

CBBB wrote:...and what about ambelopoulia trapping? ... e/20110512

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Re: Proposed new section for this forum

Postby Milo » Fri May 13, 2011 6:59 am

SKI-preo wrote:Should there be a new section in the forum for Lanate poisonings?

No need, it's already banned from sale and banned from use within the EU. The possession, use or purchase in Cyprus since 19th March 2009.

So it's against the law. Simples :D
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Postby CBBB » Fri May 13, 2011 8:16 am

Milo wrote:
CBBB wrote:...and what about ambelopoulia trapping? ... e/20110512


Saw it yesterday. It is costing us 1 billion in lost tourism! What bollocks!!!
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri May 27, 2011 2:54 am

Pet owners are on high alert after a spate of malicious dog poisonings, reportedly using a banned – and highly toxic – pesticide, reports the Cyprus Mail
The paper says that according to one Latsia resident whose dog was poisoned on Friday, 12 cats and three dogs have been killed in the area after ingesting a white crystalline substance, thought to be Furadan.
Furadan, is a powerful toxin with a devastative impact upon wildlife and its environment and reportdly paralyzes anything that eats it, from the tiniest of insects to large animals.
Afroditi Michael wrote on the Cyprus Voice for Animals’ (CVA) facebook page: “I lost my dog on Friday night because of this poison... It looks like salt, it doesn’t need to be put on food they can just scatter it on the edge of the road.”
The news will come as a bitter blow to animal lovers who worked for years to get the deadly Lannate poison banned.
The deadly substance, which was freely available in Cyprus, was responsible for the deaths of thousands of domestic pets and wild animals over the past few years. It was finally banned in 2009.
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Postby CBBB » Fri May 27, 2011 7:57 am

SKI-preo wrote:Pet owners are on high alert after a spate of malicious dog poisonings, reportedly using a banned – and highly toxic – pesticide, reports the Cyprus Mail
The paper says that according to one Latsia resident whose dog was poisoned on Friday, 12 cats and three dogs have been killed in the area after ingesting a white crystalline substance, thought to be Furadan.
Furadan, is a powerful toxin with a devastative impact upon wildlife and its environment and reportdly paralyzes anything that eats it, from the tiniest of insects to large animals.
Afroditi Michael wrote on the Cyprus Voice for Animals’ (CVA) facebook page: “I lost my dog on Friday night because of this poison... It looks like salt, it doesn’t need to be put on food they can just scatter it on the edge of the road.”
The news will come as a bitter blow to animal lovers who worked for years to get the deadly Lannate poison banned.
The deadly substance, which was freely available in Cyprus, was responsible for the deaths of thousands of domestic pets and wild animals over the past few years. It was finally banned in 2009.

You missed out this paragraph:

"All of the reports of poisoning by Furadan were anecdotal, and there has been no official confirmation by vets that this substance – which has been banned within the EU – is the cause of death."
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri May 27, 2011 1:39 pm

I suppose its better than what goes on here in Australia you go to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the Anglos have their mangy dogs shitting all over the place.

Walk down Darling St Balmain, where houses are $9 Million plus and you have to keep your eyes on the footpath to dodge all the dogshit from the designer poodles.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 pm

SKI-preo wrote:I suppose its better than what goes on here in Australia you go to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the Anglos have their mangy dogs shitting all over the place.

Walk down Darling St Balmain, where houses are $9 Million plus and you have to keep your eyes on the footpath to dodge all the dogshit from the designer poodles.

no, here you have the Kyperos just letting the dogs run wild in the street, for a sh*t, that is if they are not too busy pumping their piss into the street as they are to tight-fisted to get the lavender wagon in.
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 pm

What is FOXOFF®

Fox baits

FOXOFF® is a manufactured bait, pre-poisoned with precisely 3 milligrams (3/1000th of a gram) of sodium fluoroacetate ('1080' poison).

Red dye indicates the poison in the centre of the bait.

FOXOFF® is shelf-stable without refrigeration to allow thorough control programmes over 2-4 weeks.

FOXOFF® baits are highly specific for canids and are not readily taken by native animals or stock.

How FOXOFF® works

Sodium fluoroacetate ('1080') is a simple and natural substance differing only slightly from common acetic acid. Fluoroacetate occurs in several species of Australian plants. Native animals which have been exposed to such plant for millions of years are thus relatively tolerant to this poison. Introduced animals such as foxes and rabbits are very susceptible.

A low, non-lethal, dose of sodium fluoroacetate is not cumulative since small doses can be metabolised harmlessly.

Once eaten by the fox, fluoroacetate poison is absorbed and blocks enzymes for energy production within the cells of the animal.

After a delay of several hours, during which the fox behaves normally, death occurs quickly from the loss of energy to the brain, heart and diaphragm.

A single FOXOFF® bait is lethal to the largest fox.

FOXOFF® packaging and supply

New FOXOFF Presentation

FOXOFF® baits are now available as individually made baits in a range of new plastic pails with resealable lids. Sizes include 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 bait packs.

Traditional packaging of FOXOFF® fox baits in trays of 12 60g baits, and farm packs of 72 baits (6 trays of 12 baits) and FOXOFF® Econobaits in trays of 30 35g baits, and farm packs of 120 baits (4 trays of 30) are still available.

VIC: Department of Primary Industries
NSW: Rural Land Protection Boards
SA: Natural Resources Management Boards
QLD: Department of Natural Resources, Mines & Energy and Local Government Land Protection Officers
ACT: Department of Environment and Planning
Western Australia: Rural Merchants Licensed to retail S7 products

FOXOFF® is also made available to Government Conservation Agencies and National Parks in most states for protection of native animals in Crown Land areas.

FOXOFF® – Protecting Australia's lambs and wildlife.
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