erolz3 wrote:Admirable consistency Bill in post one. Presumably this is a response to the points I made in the other thread. Anyway credit where credit is due.
I do however have issue with the claim that nothing that happens in the North on matters of property has any legal basis. Non recognition of a regiem does not mean the people living under that reigeme should be punished by the non recognition. THis is well establish in international legal precedetn I believe. Just because the TRNC is not recognised it does not mean that automaticaly any transaction done under that regeiem has no legal force. If one TC wish to sell their pre 74 undisputed land in the North in a valid transaction for example, this trnasaction would be , I believe deem legal under ointernational law, for the intent of non recognition is not to punish indivduals and prevent them enjoying their valid rights as such, but to punish the reigeme. As to if an indivdual voluntarily selling his property to the non recognised reigeme is also legaly valid is unclear as far as I can see, but the fact that the ECHR does seem to have accepted IPC offers of compensating property in this category as valid would seem to indicate they do recognise the legality of such prior voluntary transfer of TC property to TRNC. I am no expert and these are just thoughts of mine. I may well be entirely worng.
Yes, my understanding is that transactions of pre-74 title land within the Occupied Areas in a person to person transaction are acceptable to the Republic, who continue to turn a blind eye to matters of administration, due registration and capital gains tax in these personal sales.
As to the legality of people "selling" post-74 land which is "exchange" land, would continue to maintain that it has no legal basis. We saw this confirmed in the matter of Apostolides v Orams a year or so ago, when we saw the matter considered by the ECJ and also argued before the GB Appeal Court, the view of both was that Mr Apostolides was, and is, the only owner (of land which was the subject of "exchange") despite the claims by the Orams and the BRS to recognise the Illegal Regime's "exchange" system and a subsequent transaction, so what more is there to be said on the legality or otherwise of "kochans" issued by the Illegal Regime?
As to the IPC would remind all that the ECHR sees the IPC as an effective local remedy, not of the "trnc" but of the Occupation Power, Turkey, so the ECHR is not giving direct legal weight to anything associated with the Regime and further seem to recall that it assured us that its work was subject to review.