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TC Coach Driver told to never go south.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Hermes » Sun May 08, 2011 2:29 am

Viewpoint wrote:There has been a few incidents in the papers. can introduce to a few TCs who have suffered and ask you police.

You say there have been a "few incidents in the papers" out of the tens of thousands of T/Cs who travel to the free areas every single day to work, shop and visit. That's hundreds of thousands of crossings every month. I'd say that's evidence of a remarkable level of tolerance.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 08, 2011 4:06 am

vp, read my manifesto.

i challenge you to express to me the value of your thinking.

i think Cyprus belongs to no "one", we are dwellers on this beautiful island, we are its Stewards; you?

"Greeks", "Turks", and "Others", have a need for self representation to sustain this(their) identity as a Person, yet when we talk of our Individual Rights, as Human Beings it is based on Universal Principals; here we see the crucibal in which to define the word, Bicommunal. Bizonal is no different, there is One Country and State, wherin, National Assemblies direct the services and infrastructure, as a Majority their electorate needs for their daily lives within Territorial Jurisdictions that can be island wide. Minoritiees who choose to reside within in any Assembly's Jurisdiction will enjoy an equal recognition and respect as by definition we are all Cypriots with Freedom of Association, Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Expression.

...who is this coach driver who is Cypriot and Turcophone; who did he bring from the north to be treated so badly (and who does he work for?). me too, i wonder these questions about Grecophones, who for profit bring their passengers to Hotels in the north, that leave Cypriots the subject of occupiers.

...please vp try.
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Postby adabizim » Sun May 08, 2011 1:28 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Please answer my question and do not try the classic and deflect.

Put up your evidence please VP to back up your allegations.

What about the car of a TC family which was attacked by hooligans because it had a TC plate? What did the GC police do about these terrorists? We will never let you come to our lands. ... 183603.htm

APOEL'in aşırı sağcı EOKA yanlısı holigan gençleri, ellerindeki büyük beyzbol ve pankart sopalarıyla Türklerin araçlarını tahrip etmeye bu hafta da devam etti.
Güney Lefkoşa'da meydana gelen olayda, APOEL Futbol Kulübü taraftarları, Larnaka ve Limasol istikametinden gelen Kıbrıslı Türklerin araçlarını kırmızı ışıkta yakalayarak saldırdı.
Kıbrıs Polisi'nin 'bölgemiz değil' diyerek, seyirci kaldığı olaylarda Apoelli gençler Türklere küfürler ederek araçlarını tahrip etti.
Arabaları tahrip olan Türklerin önemli bir kısmı, polise yaptıkları şikayeti kameralar karşısında yinelemek istemedi.
İleride başımıza bela gelebilir endişesiyle basına açıklama yapmaktan kaçınan bir bayan, görüntü alınmasına engel olmaya çalışırken, bir başka Kıbrıslı Türk Kazım Sönmeztürk, Güney'de yaşadığı korku dolu dakikaları anlattı. Sönmeztürk, arabasında 2.5 yaşında kızı ve 2 aylık bebeği ile Güney'den dönerken kırmızı ışığa takılıp durduklarını ve tam o sırada 20'yi aşkın Rum gencin kendilerine saldırdığını söyledi.
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Postby ZoC » Sun May 08, 2011 2:20 pm

Hermes wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:There has been a few incidents in the papers. can introduce to a few TCs who have suffered and ask you police.

You say there have been a "few incidents in the papers" out of the tens of thousands of T/Cs who travel to the free areas every single day to work, shop and visit. That's hundreds of thousands of crossings every month. I'd say that's evidence of a remarkable level of tolerance.

u must excuse vp. it's a trait in people who are lacking in the scrotum area to try and convince everyone things are bigger than they appear.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun May 08, 2011 8:35 pm

Hermes wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:There has been a few incidents in the papers. can introduce to a few TCs who have suffered and ask you police.

You say there have been a "few incidents in the papers" out of the tens of thousands of T/Cs who travel to the free areas every single day to work, shop and visit. That's hundreds of thousands of crossings every month. I'd say that's evidence of a remarkable level of tolerance.

Hello there should be zero incidents, thats the whole point. What are GCs doing to combat the incidents that are reported?
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