Cap wrote:And now that I'm on roll, all you folks who 'don't like it', it don't matter anyway!
Even if you DID like it, they still wouldn't build it!
yes, let us all stay in the stone age!
Let us not progress, so we can please Joe Soap from England and (Gerhard Schnauzer from Germany), because they wanna go somewhere 'cheap' 'unspoiled' and 'undeveloped' IE 3'rd world sh**hole.
Yes folks, lets rely solely on tourism, because we 3rd wolders are incapable of anything else!
Objection, Objection, Objection !!!.
Mein vorname ist nicht Gerhard, mein nachname ist nicht Schnauzer (aber Schnauzer ist mein 'Nom de Plume'), Ich bin auch nicht Deutsch.
Ich bin von Zypriotischer herkunft.
Therefore, since there is only such a person as 'Gerhard Schnauzer' (when used in reference to a counterpart of 'Joe Soap' and used collectively in a disparaging fashion to denote one's Nationality) I feel entitled to make the objections above...........(given that there might BE one of such name somewhere).
I must admit that my preferences (as far as 'leisure spots' are concerned) DO favour the unspoiled locations of the world (not necessarily cheap nor undeveloped), unfortunately, due to the continued efforts of the Western 'Spreaders of Democracy' by force of arms and infiltration, such locations are becoming increasingly hard to find.
Cyprus (now torn asunder) surely qualifies as ONE location which has suffered severely, courtesy of those negative influences aforementioned, I am sure we ALL would love to see our country freed from the bonds of the 'Expectancies' which will probably never come to fruition.
It is very nice to 'Dream' BUT, hardly possible with both eyes opened wide, (coupled with the mind of course).