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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby halil » Wed May 04, 2011 3:48 pm

The latest statements made by the Greek Cypriot Archbishop Chrisostomos II who confessed that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU in joining the bloc. (The Greek Cypriot Archbishop was quoted as saying that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU on the Annan Plan in 2004, to become a member of the bloc.) Chrisostomos’s confession did not come as a surprise for the Turkish Cypriots Side, since the Greek Cypriot Side had been pursuing such policies for years.

The Turkish Side has been voicing this from the very beginning, adding that the Greek Cypriot Side’s one-sided EU membership was an obstacle in the way for a solution to the Cyprus Problem.

Greek Cypriot Archbishop’s words proved just how right the former EU Commissioner for Enlargement Günter Verheugen was when he told reporters he felt deceived by the Greek Cypriot Side.

Chrisostomos proved TC's point and now the EU can see how justified TC's were in their claims.........that the European Union had made a great mistake by allowing the Greek Cypriot side to join the bloc on its own creating a situation which made it harder to solve the Cyprus Problem.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed May 04, 2011 4:03 pm

Here is the full article.
apparently the interview was from the 'SIMERINI' which quotes 'SKY Greece'.

Nothing new above, but he follows by saying,
Milli davanın siyasiler tarafından yönetildiği yarım asır içerisinde Kıbrıs'ın yarısı kaybedildi, tamamı tehlike altında” ifadesini kullandı. The half century where our national cause has been run by the politicians, the half of Cyprus has been lost. Now the whole [of the island] is in danger.

Can't these clerics stick to what they do best? Easter and weddings for example, or is he after the late Pres. Makarios's position?

'Klerides, Avrupa Birliği'ni kandırdı'
3 Mayıs 2011
'Avrupa Birliği'ni kandırdık'
Kıbrıs Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi Başpiskoposu 2. Hrisostomos, Kıbrıs Rum yönetiminin üye olmak için Avrupa Birliği'ni kandırdığını söyledi.
Simerini gazetesinin haberine göre “Sky Yunanistan” televizyon kanalına açıklama yapan 2. Hrisostomos, Rum yönetimi eski lideri Glafkos Klerides'i AB'ye, Kıbrıs Rum yönetiminin üyeliğine karşılık “Kıbrıs sorununu Annan planı temelinde çözme sözü vermekle” suçladı ve “(Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti) üye olabilmek için AB'yi kandırdı” dedi.
Rum siyasileri Kıbrıs konusunu iyi yönetememekle sürekli taviz vermekle suçlayan Rum Başpiskopos, “Milli davanın siyasiler tarafından yönetildiği yarım asır içerisinde Kıbrıs'ın yarısı kaybedildi, tamamı tehlike altında” ifadesini kullandı.
2. Hrisostomos, Rum siyasilerin müzakerelerde tavizler verdiğini iddia ederek, “bugünkü durumla ortaya çıkması muhtemel yeni çözümün, mevcut durumdan çok daha kötü olacağı görüşününü” savundu. Başpiskopos, Rum halkının, Annan Planı'na benzer bir çözümü daha büyük bir çoğunlukla reddedeceğini söyledi.
“Kıbrıs Helenizminin varlığının Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi'nin umurunda olduğunu, bu nedenle görüşlerini her zaman söyleyeceğini” belirten 2. Hrisostomos, “Zaman zaman verilen tavizlerle bizim taraf kapana kısıldı” dedi.


Başpikopos 2. Hrisostomos'un sözleri, Kıbrıs Rum tarafında tepkilere yol açtı.
Rum yönetimi sözcüsü Stefanos Stefanu, 2. Hrisostomos'un “Rum yönetiminin AB'ye üye olmak için AB'yi kandırdığı” sözlerinin, “Kıbrıs Rum tarafına ve Kıbrıs davasına zarar verdiğini” kaydetti. Stefanu, “2. Hrisostomos'un, sözleriyle iç siyaseti birleştirmek yerine onu un ufak ettiğini” belirtti.
Komunist AKEL Partisi Genel Sekreteri Andros Kiprianu da 2. Hrisostomos'a, “davranışı ile Rum toplumu içerisinde doğru bir rol oynamadığı, aksine daha da sorun çıkardığı” mesajını gönderdi.
Başpiskopos'un sözleri ile Rum yönetimini cezalandırmaları için yabancılara argüman verdiğini ifade eden Kiprianu, “2. Hrisostomos'un bir kez daha sanki politikacıymış gibi davrandığını ve bölücü olacak şekilde konuştuğunu” söyledi.
Ana muhalefet Demokratik Seferberlik Partisi (DİSİ) Başkanı Nikos Anastasiadis ise Başpiskopos'un sözlerinin yanlış olduğunu ve gerçeği yansıtmadığını göstermenin siyasilere bağlı olduğunu belirtti.
Demokratik Parti (DİKO) ve Rum Meclis Başkanı Marios Karoyan, Kilise'nin Kıbrıs sorununda görüş beyan etme hakkı olduğunu, bazı noktalarda farklı düşünseler de kendisinin ateşe benzin dökmeyeceğini söyledi. Karoyan, 2. Hrisostomos'un bazı sözlerine katıldıklarını, bazılarına katılmadıklarını kaydetti.
Sosyalist EDEK partisi Başkanı Yannakis Omiru, Başpiskopos'un sözlerini yorumlarken, “Kilise'nin milli davada söz söyleme hakkı ve görevi vardır, ancak bu Başpiskopos'un her söylediğini paylaşıyoruz anlamına gelmiyor” dedi.
Ekologlar ve Çevreciler Hareketi, 2. Hrisostomos'un Kıbrıs sorununa ilişin açıklamalarına kaygıyla yaklaştıklarını belirterek, “Başpiskopos'un, Kıbrıs sorunundaki söylemlerinde siyasetçilerden çok daha fazla ketum olması gerektiği” görüşünü dile getirdiler.
EURO.KO da (Avrupa Partisi) ise Başpiskopos 2. Hrisostomos'un “müzakerelerin batağa saplandığı, Annan Planı'ndan üç kat daha kötü bir çözüm tehlikesi bulunduğu” görüşünü paylaştığını açıkladı.
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Postby EPSILON » Wed May 04, 2011 4:18 pm

halil wrote:The latest statements made by the Greek Cypriot Archbishop Chrisostomos II who confessed that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU in joining the bloc. (The Greek Cypriot Archbishop was quoted as saying that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU on the Annan Plan in 2004, to become a member of the bloc.) Chrisostomos’s confession did not come as a surprise for the Turkish Cypriots Side, since the Greek Cypriot Side had been pursuing such policies for years.

The Turkish Side has been voicing this from the very beginning, adding that the Greek Cypriot Side’s one-sided EU membership was an obstacle in the way for a solution to the Cyprus Problem.

Greek Cypriot Archbishop’s words proved just how right the former EU Commissioner for Enlargement Günter Verheugen was when he told reporters he felt deceived by the Greek Cypriot Side.

Chrisostomos proved TC's point and now the EU can see how justified TC's were in their claims.........that the European Union had made a great mistake by allowing the Greek Cypriot side to join the bloc on its own creating a situation which made it harder to solve the Cyprus Problem.

Halil, the point is that Turkey has invasion army in Cyprus.All others are pointless . We are the majority and the beneficiaries of the Island and our rights are raped by you and your co-patriots. And all this created just because our leaders -in Cyprus and Greece-are chickens.
Until then, we obtain a proper leadership you have to live in your "paradise" in North.-If you do not disapear by the help of your motherland by that time-we will come in its help.
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Postby Sotos » Wed May 04, 2011 5:56 pm

Cyprus should have been part of EU since 1981.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed May 04, 2011 6:12 pm

halil wrote:The latest statements made by the Greek Cypriot Archbishop Chrisostomos II who confessed that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU in joining the bloc. (The Greek Cypriot Archbishop was quoted as saying that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU on the Annan Plan in 2004, to become a member of the bloc.) Chrisostomos’s confession did not come as a surprise for the Turkish Cypriots Side, since the Greek Cypriot Side had been pursuing such policies for years.

The Turkish Side has been voicing this from the very beginning, adding that the Greek Cypriot Side’s one-sided EU membership was an obstacle in the way for a solution to the Cyprus Problem.

Greek Cypriot Archbishop’s words proved just how right the former EU Commissioner for Enlargement Günter Verheugen was when he told reporters he felt deceived by the Greek Cypriot Side.

Chrisostomos proved TC's point and now the EU can see how justified TC's were in their claims.........that the European Union had made a great mistake by allowing the Greek Cypriot side to join the bloc on its own creating a situation which made it harder to solve the Cyprus Problem.

Halil use your brains.
Who told him so? Jesus Christ? Or is he just expressing his personal view?

The ONLY one who could verify such a thing is either Klerides or Papadopoulos. None of the 2 ever confirmed such a thing.

Btw this Archbishop talks a lot of bullshit. In that very interview he said "he advices the GC Christians to stop visiting the Monastery of Apostolos Andreas" and instead visit other churches dedicated to Apostolos Andreas in the free areas.For him it is the same thing. Can you see his logic?
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Just ignore Chysostomos.......

Postby cymart » Wed May 04, 2011 6:36 pm

The majority of people here do!He obviously knows that he has nothing to offer spiritually so he now wants to interfere in politics.In reality he is just another conniving,jumped-up and crafty Paphiot businessman who has no scruples about spreading hate and division,instead of peace,tolerance and reconciliation which is the true message of the chruch....
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed May 04, 2011 7:33 pm

He sure does know swimming naked in the sea.
Wasn't that his hobby before :lol: :lol: :lol:

Pervert priest :evil:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed May 04, 2011 8:56 pm

halil wrote:The latest statements made by the Greek Cypriot Archbishop Chrisostomos II who confessed that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU in joining the bloc. (The Greek Cypriot Archbishop was quoted as saying that the Greek Cypriot Side had tricked the EU on the Annan Plan in 2004, to become a member of the bloc.) Chrisostomos’s confession did not come as a surprise for the Turkish Cypriots Side, since the Greek Cypriot Side had been pursuing such policies for years.

The Turkish Side has been voicing this from the very beginning, adding that the Greek Cypriot Side’s one-sided EU membership was an obstacle in the way for a solution to the Cyprus Problem.

Greek Cypriot Archbishop’s words proved just how right the former EU Commissioner for Enlargement Günter Verheugen was when he told reporters he felt deceived by the Greek Cypriot Side.

Chrisostomos proved TC's point and now the EU can see how justified TC's were in their claims.........that the European Union had made a great mistake by allowing the Greek Cypriot side to join the bloc on its own creating a situation which made it harder to solve the Cyprus Problem.

Turkey by asking everything to her advantage in the Annan Plan helped the GCs to say OXI to the AP. Had the AP passed in 2004, the EU would be "crying" today, which would have allowed Turkey with ALL her faults into the EU through the back door, via the north state. I don't see the EU "crying" today because the RoC is in the EU. The one's that are "crying" is Turkey, the TCs and that idiot, Günter Verheugen. Must tell you something!
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed May 04, 2011 9:35 pm

Did papadopolous have anything to with the plan being supposedly against the GCs?
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Postby Bananiot » Wed May 04, 2011 10:28 pm

There is no doubt we decieved the EU to open the doors to us, let us be honest about it at least. In 2003 Papadopoulos main campaign slogan was: "I promise to solve the Cyprus problem based on the Annan Plan". Huge posters were put everywhere and Chrisofias said the now onfamous "the man has changed" in order to explain to the party failthful his decision to support Papadopoulos.
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