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Usama bin Laden Is Dead, Sources Say

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Re: Usama bin Laden Is Dead, Sources Say

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:52 am

CBBB wrote:Published May 01, 2011

Usama bin Laden is dead, multiple sources confirm to Fox News. He was killed a week ago by a U.S. bomb.

Where is Schnauzer to give us the details?

Cannot supply any details since I am not convinced that the report of Osama's demise is genuine.

I would be more inclined to believe that the man died quite some time ago and that this 'Fiasco' is just another ploy to encourage the re-election of President (since his visit to Ireland to trace his roots) Paddy O'Bama.

Jesus Christ was killed, yet the rebellious indoctrination (according to the Romans) of those who followed his teachings, lives on.

Similarly, the 'Rebel Leaders' of many causes, (Ireland in particular) have met their deaths yet the struggles against oppression continue.

I would not 'Gloat' over the death of ANY leader (or follower) whose quarrel may be just, I much prefer to seek the justification, strangely enough, it invariably seems to stem from the same sources, suppression, aggression, attempted subjugation and chicanery (to name but a few), easy to condone when one happens to be on that which would appear to be 'The Winning Side'.

Unfortunately, the 'Battle' is not yet over, perhaps the apparent 'Glee' is a little premature, only time will tell. (imho)

The laws of 'Equivalence' will ultimately prevail. (I hope :lol: ) :wink:
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Re: Usama bin Laden Is Dead, Sources Say

Postby Lit » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:35 pm

Text of al Qaida's announcement that Zawahiri is its leader

This is the text of the al Qaida statement naming Ayman al Zawahiri as the successor to Osama bin Laden. It was translated from the Arabic by McClatchy special correspondent Mohannad Sabry.

Read more: ... z1Pd9Wa7IB
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Re: Usama bin Laden Is Dead, Sources Say

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:26 pm

If one relies upon the accuracy of the interpretation from Arabic to English and is prepared to uphold the West's actions in the Middle East, we may ALL look forward to a prolonged period of struggle in the strife-torn regions in and around Israel.

If the same distortions of interpretation are contained in THIS one (as were proven when some 'Self interested' interpreter announced that President Ahmadinejad had threatened to 'Wipe Israel off the Map', when in fact he had merely repeated a much earlier speech by the Ayatollah Khomeini which made no such threat) then the clever insertion of calls for bloodthirsty actions will no doubt achieve the equally satisfactory result of fooling the general public that Western aggression is necessary to protect their lives, God Bless Them.

If one takes the time to consider the tenets of Islam (and unfortunately very few do) it will become quite clear that those who DO follow such tenets (including he who originally wrote the Arabic declaration) consider themselves to be people under severe threat from the Western powers (Israel included) and in THAT sense, I think the overall picture painted by the declaration is a perfectly sound representation. (minus the 'Clever Insertions' of course) :wink:
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