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Upcoming Changes to the Forum

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Upcoming Changes to the Forum

Postby Admin » Sun May 01, 2011 1:27 am

Admin note: This topic is split from another thread.

Cap wrote:The average number of posts are dropping considerably.
Battle hardened veteran legends have virtually all disappeared. Oracle, Malapapa, Miltiades, Talisker gone... those that have remained, their output is noticeably less, GR, VP, Kiks, Bill, Yiallousa, Figs, STUD, Insan, B25. Danni,
Hermes, boulio, DT, Quattro, CBBB, Deniz, Kuru, apc, Bana lagging in performance.

ZoC and antifon are still keeping this place partly alive. Although Antifon is now becoming a one hit wonder.

I personally stuck around because of the high intellect content (mostly anyway) of the Forum.
I'm not being entertained anymore!
I used to look forward to high quality wit, revelations and intellectual mind fu** debates!

Only Top guns used to survive on this forum, now they're slowly going extinct.


The era of the Cyprus-Forum being a "battle ground" is coming to an end.

Some of the forum members you mentioned were banned, while others were given strict warnings regarding bringing those "battles" in the general sections of the forum. This is a process initiated by me a few months ago and which will conclude within this month (May) with the planned upgrade / redesign of the forum which will also include a new set of rules and a new way of managing the forum.

I understand that the current active members of the forum are people who enjoy the "battle ground" atmosphere and that many of them will not be satisfied with the change. But as ZoC said, "it's all been done to death".

The forum was created in 2002 and due to the events of 2003-2004 it was turned, without this being my intention, into a mostly political forum. At that time there were new ideas and the hope that people could get together and succeed to solve a problem that politicians failed to solve for decades.

Unfortunately this didn't happen, a common ground was not found, people were disappointed and eventually were polarized into separate camps with the aim to support and propagandize the position of their own side. These "battles" became more and more intense and spread in all parts of the forum in various forms. While this might be entertaining for some it had to be stopped as it was damaging for the forum.

I was planning an upgrade and a change to this forum for more than a year now. Unfortunately I didn't have the time. Now the redesign / upgrade is almost complete and currently I am thinking about the new rules and the processes that will help carry the forum into its second decade.

My aim for the "Cyprus Problem" section is to limit the "battles" by creating a private section of the forum visible only to members who opt-in for it. This will allow members to continue to be free to say whatever they want on this subject, but at the same time will discourage the propagandists since posting propaganda in a non-public section of the forum will not be very effective for them.

The forum will also have a public "Cyprus Forum" section with strict rules which will require high quality posts with content that will be positive and helpful for the unification of the island. Posts made in this section will become publicly visible only after being approved by me or a "Queue Moderator". I understand that we might have very few such posts but this is something I actually prefer over having a lot of low quality unhelpful posts.

More about the upgrade / redesign and the new rules will be published gradually during this month, before and after the upgrade takes place.

Thank you
Last edited by Admin on Sun May 01, 2011 3:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun May 01, 2011 2:03 am

With all due respect for having us on the CF free of charge Admin, but you’ve been talking about forum changes and upgrades since 1570 with nothing in sight! :?

How about selling it to someone who will make those upgrades, and bring back the crowds?
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Postby SpartanGamer » Sun May 01, 2011 2:12 am

As Admin knows, Oracle asked to have that account deactivated because of the relentless trolling by Gasman. The lively debates degenerated into ugly battle-grounds which were not desired by any of the regulars here. Intervention was needed much sooner.

Too many people joined the forum with personal vendettas against the regulars and too much was made of the people behind the names rather than the contents of posts. Moderation was required to limit these.

I don't know how Admin is going to encourage good quality posters as there are now many online International papers providing a soundboard for those who can string coherent sentences together.

The Cyprus Forum has limited appeal because of its very nature; so, it won't attract the genuine debaters any longer under the proposed changes.

It's a shame to see it turn into a "classified" section heavy site, with one-liners from passing through traffic.

However, I wish CF all the best in the future and I hope Admin is successful in developing his vision into reality.

Kind regards from you-know-who and thanks to SpartanGamer for allowing me to use his account recently. :D

Bye all ...

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Postby Sotos » Sun May 01, 2011 2:18 am

Get Real! wrote:With all due respect for having us on the CF free of charge Admin, but you’ve been talking about forum changes and upgrades since 1570 with nothing in sight! :?

How about selling it to someone who will make those upgrades, and bring back the crowds?

How do you know it was since 1570? You didn't start receiving messages until 1571 ;) :lol: I think a change is a good think. We are going round and round in the Cyprus Problem. All that could be said was said. Nothing much changed since 2004 so there is nothing much more left to discuss on this topic! I think some other forums should open to cover other kinds of interests like internet and computers that some of us are interested in!
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Postby erolz3 » Sun May 01, 2011 2:22 am


Out of interest what will be happening to site history when the forum changes ? Will it still be viewable and searchable or is it to all just disapear into the void ?
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Postby Admin » Sun May 01, 2011 3:03 am

Get Real, last forum update was done in the end of 2005. It is true that I have been planning this second upgrade for a long time now but I have been very busy and not able to do so. The upgrade / redesign is mostly finished on a test server now and unless something unexpected happens the upgrade will be pushed to the live server before the end of this month.

"SpartanGamer", I do not wish to discuss personal issues here. The changes will make the forum better for more people but I understand that there is no way to have a solution that will satisfy everyone.

Sotos, opening a few more sections and sub-sections (the new forum software will allow this) is something I am considering. Please keep the suggestions coming.

erolz, everything posted in the forum will remain visible and searchable. Old threads will simply be locked and a few recent ones (those with the lowest quality) might be moved to the non-public sections.
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Postby erolz3 » Sun May 01, 2011 3:27 am

Thanks for the reply admin.
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Postby CBBB » Sun May 01, 2011 5:45 am

Does this mean that we won't be allowed to take the piss out of people asking where they can buy a pint of milk?
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Postby Admin » Sun May 01, 2011 6:25 am

CBBB, if you believe a question asked is ridiculous then you should just ignore it. If you choose to reply then you will be required to be polite. The changes in the forum will not aim to restrict what members can say, but to section the forum in such a way that everything can be said in the right place. I am considering a hidden non-public forum for the General section of the forum where members can choose to join and, among other things, "take the piss" out of each other if this is something they enjoy. I understand that this might not be as enjoyable for you as making fun of a new member asking a "stupid" question, but rules protecting new members will be strictly enforced.
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Postby SSBubbles » Sun May 01, 2011 6:56 am

CBBB wrote:Does this mean that we won't be allowed to take the piss out of people asking where they can buy a pint of milk?

You wouldn't know the answer anyway! Now, if they were asking about Keo - a different matter entirely! :lol:
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